SOFA API  8ac0ab06
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::type::Quat< Real > Member List

This is the complete list of members for sofa::type::Quat< Real >, including all inherited members.

angularDisplacement(const Quat &a, const Quat &b) -> Vec3sofa::type::Quat< Real >static
axisToQuat(Vec3 a, Real phi) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >
buildRotationMatrix(Real m[4][4]) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
clear()sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
createFromRotationVector(const Vec3 &a) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
createFromRotationVector(Real a0, Real a1, Real a2) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
createQuaterFromEuler(const Vec3 &v, EulerOrder order=EulerOrder::ZYX) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
createQuaterFromFrame(const Vec3 &lox, const Vec3 &loy, const Vec3 &loz) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
EulerOrder enum namesofa::type::Quat< Real >
fromEuler(Real alpha, Real beta, Real gamma, EulerOrder order=EulerOrder::ZYX) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
fromFrame(const Vec3 &x, const Vec3 &y, const Vec3 &z)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
fromMatrix(const Mat3x3 &m)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
identity()sofa::type::Quat< Real >inlinestatic
inverse() const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >
inverseRotate(const Vec3 &v) const -> Vec3sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
isNormalized()sofa::type::Quat< Real >
normalize()sofa::type::Quat< Real >
operator!=(const Quat &q) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >
operator*(const Quat &q1) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator*(const Real &r) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator*=(const Real &r)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator*=(const Quat &q1)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator+(const Quat &q1) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >
operator+=(const Quat &q2)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
operator/(const Real &r) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator/=(const Real &r)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator==(const Quat &q) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >
operator[](Size index)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
operator[](Size index) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
ptr() constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
ptr()sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
Quat()sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
Quat(qNoInit)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inlineexplicit
Quat(Real x, Real y, Real z, Real w)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
Quat(const Real2 q[])sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
Quat(const Quat< Real2 > &q)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
Quat(const Vec3 &axis, Real angle)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
Quat(const Vec3 &vFrom, const Vec3 &vTo)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
quatDiff(Quat a, const Quat &b) -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >static
quatToAxis(Vec3 &a, Real &phi) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >
quatToRotationVector() const -> Vec3sofa::type::Quat< Real >
quatVectMult(const Vec3 &vect) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
rotate(const Vec3 &v) const -> Vec3sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
set(Real x, Real y, Real z, Real w)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
set(const Vec3 &a)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inlinestatic
set(Real a0, Real a1, Real a2)sofa::type::Quat< Real >inlinestatic
setFromUnitVectors(const Vec3 &vFrom, const Vec3 &vTo)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
size()sofa::type::Quat< Real >inlinestatic
Size typedefsofa::type::Quat< Real >
slerp(const Quat &a, const Quat &b, Real t, bool allowFlip=true)sofa::type::Quat< Real >
slerp(const Quat &q1, Real t) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >
slerp2(const Quat &q1, Real t) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >
spatial_dimensionssofa::type::Quat< Real >static
static_sizesofa::type::Quat< Real >static
toEulerVector() const -> Vec3sofa::type::Quat< Real >
toHomogeneousMatrix(Mat4x4 &m) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
toMatrix(Mat3x3 &m) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
total_sizesofa::type::Quat< Real >static
value_type typedefsofa::type::Quat< Real >
vectQuatMult(const Vec3 &vect) const -> Quatsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
writeOpenGlMatrix(double *m) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
writeOpenGlMatrix(float *m) constsofa::type::Quat< Real >inline
~Quat()=defaultsofa::type::Quat< Real >