SOFA API  8ac0ab06
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::component::solidmechanics::fem::hyperelastic::material::StrainInformation< DataTypes > Class Template Reference

#include <HyperelasticMaterial.h>

Inheritance diagram for sofa::component::solidmechanics::fem::hyperelastic::material::StrainInformation< DataTypes >:

Public Attributes

Real trC
 Trace of C = I1. More...
Real J
Real lambda
Real trCsquare
 Trace of C^2 : I2 = (trCSquare - trC^2)/2. More...
bool hasBeenInitialized
 boolean indicating whether the invariants have been computed More...
MatrixSym deformationTensor
 right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C (gradPhi^T gradPhi) More...
EigenMatrix Evect
CoordEigen Evalue
Real logJ
MatrixSym E

Public Member Functions

 StrainInformation ()
virtual ~StrainInformation ()

Attribute details

◆ deformationTensor

right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C (gradPhi^T gradPhi)

◆ E

◆ Evalue

◆ Evect

◆ hasBeenInitialized

boolean indicating whether the invariants have been computed

◆ J

◆ lambda

◆ logJ

◆ trC

◆ trCsquare

Trace of C^2 : I2 = (trCSquare - trC^2)/2.

Constructor details

◆ StrainInformation()

◆ ~StrainInformation()