get all down objects respecting specified class_info and tags
| GetDownObjectsVisitor (const sofa::core::objectmodel::ClassInfo &class_info, DAGNode::GetObjectsCallBack &container, const sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSet &tags) |
| ~GetDownObjectsVisitor () override |
Result | processNodeTopDown (simulation::Node *node) override |
| Callback method called when descending to a new node. Recursion will stop if this method returns RESULT_PRUNE. More...
bool | isThreadSafe () const override |
| Specify whether this action can be parallelized. More...
const char * | getCategoryName () const override |
const char * | getClassName () const override |
| Visitor (const sofa::core::ExecParams *params) |
virtual | ~Visitor () |
const sofa::core::ExecParams * | execParams () const |
virtual void | processNodeBottomUp (simulation::Node *) |
| Callback method called after child node have been processed and before going back to the parent node. More...
virtual bool | childOrderReversed (simulation::Node *) |
| Return true to reverse the order of traversal of child nodes. More...
virtual bool | treeTraversal (TreeTraversalRepetition &repeat) |
virtual std::string | getInfos () const |
bool | testTags (sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj) |
virtual void | execute (sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseContext *node, bool precomputedOrder=false) |
| Alias for context->executeVisitor(this) More...
virtual ctime_t | begin (simulation::Node *node, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj, const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |
virtual void | end (simulation::Node *node, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj, ctime_t t0) |
virtual ctime_t | begin (simulation::Visitor::VisitorContext *node, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj, const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |
virtual void | end (simulation::Visitor::VisitorContext *node, sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj, ctime_t t0) |
virtual Result | processNodeTopDown (simulation::Node *node, LocalStorage *)=delete |
virtual void | processNodeBottomUp (simulation::Node *node, LocalStorage *)=delete |
Visitor & | setTags (const TagSet &t) |
Visitor & | addTag (Tag t) |
Visitor & | removeTag (Tag t) |
template<class VisitorType , class VContext , class Container , typename PointedType > |
void | for_each (VisitorType *visitor, VContext *ctx, const Container &list, void(VisitorType::*task)(VContext *, PointedType *), const std::string &typeInfo) |
template<class VisitorType , class VContext , class Container , typename PointedType > |
Visitor::Result | for_each (VisitorType *visitor, VContext *ctx, const Container &list, Visitor::Result(VisitorType::*task)(VContext *, PointedType *), const std::string &typeInfo) |
TagSet | subsetsToManage |
| list of the subsets More...
bool | canAccessSleepingNode |
| Can the visitor access sleeping nodes? More...
void | debug_write_state_before (sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj) |
void | debug_write_state_after (sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *obj) |
template<class VisitorType , class VContext , class ObjectType > |
void | runVisitorTask (VisitorType *visitor, VContext *ctx, void(VisitorType::*task)(VContext *, ObjectType *), ObjectType *ptr, const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |
template<class VisitorType , class VContext , class ObjectType > |
Result | runVisitorTask (VisitorType *visitor, VContext *ctx, Result(VisitorType::*task)(VContext *, ObjectType *), ObjectType *ptr, const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |
template<class Visit , class VContext , class Container , typename PointedType = typename Container::pointed_type> |
void | for_each (Visit *visitor, VContext *ctx, const Container &list, void(Visit::*task)(VContext *, PointedType *), const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |
template<class Visit , class VContext , class Container , typename PointedType = typename Container::pointed_type> |
Visitor::Result | for_each (Visit *visitor, VContext *ctx, const Container &list, Visitor::Result(Visit::*task)(VContext *, PointedType *), const std::string &typeInfo=std::string("type")) |