class | matrix_bloc_traits< defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, T >, IndexType > |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockDiagonal< Real, 1, 1, add, transpose, M, V1, V2 > |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpMV_BlockSparse |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpMV |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpMulV |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpPMulV |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpMulTV |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpPMulTV |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpAM_BlockSparse |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpAMS_BlockSparse |
struct | BaseMatrixLinearOpAM1_BlockSparse |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpAM |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpAddM |
class | BaseMatrixLinearOpAddMT |
class | BaseMatrix |
class | BaseVector |
class | BlockDiagonalMatrix |
| Simple full matrix container. More...
class | BlockFullMatrix |
| Simple block full matrix container (used for InvMatrixType) More...
class | BlockVector |
class | BTDMatrix |
| Simple BTD matrix container. More...
class | CRSConstraintPolicy |
class | CompressedRowSparseMatrixConstraint |
struct | CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse |
struct | CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparseVec |
class | CompressedRowSparseMatrixToEigenSparse< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > |
struct | EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix |
struct | EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrixVec |
class | EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::type::Vec< N, Real > > |
class | EigenSparseToCompressedRowSparseMatrix< sofa::defaulttype::RigidDeriv< N, Real > > |
struct | CRSBlockTraits |
| Traits class which defines the containers to use for a given type of block. More...
struct | CRSDefaultPolicy |
class | CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric |
class | CRSMechanicalPolicy |
class | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical |
class | DiagonalMatrix |
| Simple full matrix container. More...
class | MatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, M2 > |
class | MatrixProductOp< M1, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > > |
class | MatrixProductOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 >, DiagonalMatrix< R2 > > |
class | MatrixInvertOp< DiagonalMatrix< R1 > > |
class | EigenBaseSparseMatrix |
class | EigenSparseMatrix |
class | EigenVector |
class | FullMatrix |
| Simple full matrix container. More...
class | LPtrFullMatrix |
| Simple full matrix container, with an additionnal pointer per line, to be able do get a T** pointer and use [i][j] directly. More...
class | FullVector |
struct | CleanupCheck |
class | bloc_index_func |
class | matrix_bloc_traits |
class | matrix_bloc_traits< type::Mat< L, C, real >, IndexType > |
class | matrix_bloc_traits< sofa::type::Vec< N, T >, IndexType > |
class | matrix_bloc_traits< float, IndexType > |
class | matrix_bloc_traits< double, IndexType > |
class | matrix_bloc_traits< int, IndexType > |
class | MatrixProduct |
class | MatrixAddition |
class | MatrixSubtraction |
class | MatrixTranspose |
class | MatrixNegative |
class | MatrixScale |
class | MatrixExpr |
class | DefaultMatrixProductOp |
class | MatrixProductOp |
class | DefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 0, M1, M2 > |
class | DefaultMatrixProductOp< 1, 0, M1, M2 > |
class | DefaultMatrixProductOp< 0, 1, M1, M2 > |
class | DefaultMatrixInvertOp |
class | MatrixInvertOp |
class | DefaultMatrixInvertOp< 0, M1 > |
class | type_selector |
class | type_selector< 0, T0, T1 > |
class | type_selector< 1, T0, T1 > |
class | MatrixInverse |
class | SparseMatrix |
class | RotationMatrix |
| 3x3 block-diagonal matrix where each block is considered as a rotation. More...
class | MatrixProductOp< SparseMatrix< R1 >, SparseMatrix< R2 > > |
class | SparseMatrixProduct |
struct | EigenOptions |
struct | EigenOptions< Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > > |
struct | EigenOptions< const Eigen::Map< T, Options, StrideType > > |
struct | EigenOptions< Eigen::Transpose< T > > |
struct | EigenOptions< const Eigen::Transpose< T > > |
class | SparseMatrixStorageOrder |
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, class real > |
void | matrixAdd (BaseMatrix *self, const Index row, const Index col, const sofa::type::Mat< L, C, real > &M) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix &m) |
| Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp. More...
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrix &m) |
| Declare that the operator >> exists but is defined in a BaseMatrix.cpp. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BaseVector &v) |
| Declare that the operator << exists but is defined in BaseVector.cpp. More...
template<class RowType , class VecDeriv , typename Real = typename VecDeriv::value_type::Real> |
Real | CompressedRowSparseMatrixVecDerivMult (const RowType row, const VecDeriv &vec) |
template<class RowType , class VecDeriv > |
void | convertCompressedRowSparseMatrixRowToVecDeriv (const RowType row, VecDeriv &out) |
template<typename LhsMatrixDeriv , typename RhsMatrixDeriv , typename Real > |
void | addMultTransposeEigen (LhsMatrixDeriv &lhs, const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Real, Eigen::RowMajor > &jacobian, const RhsMatrixDeriv &rhs) |
| Computes lhs += jacobian^T * rhs. More...
template<class TMatrix , class TBlockMatrix > |
void | addBlockMat (TMatrix &self, Index row, Index col, const TBlockMatrix &_M) |
template<typename Real > |
void | solveDiagonalSystem (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solution, const Real *const D_values) |
template<typename Real > |
void | solveDiagonalSystemUsingInvertedValues (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solution, const Real *const Dinv_values) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< double > &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< float > &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LPtrFullMatrix< double > &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LPtrFullMatrix< float > &v) |
template<typename Real > |
std::ostream & | readFromStream (std::ostream &out, const FullMatrix< Real > &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< float > &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< double > &v) |
template<typename Real > |
std::ostream & | readFromStream (std::ostream &out, const FullVector< Real > &v) |
| Initialize the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API bool | isInitialized () |
| Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been initialized. More...
SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API void | cleanup () |
| Clean up the resources used by the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library, as well as its dependencies: Sofa.Type, SofaHelper. More...
SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API bool | isCleanedUp () |
| Return true if and only if the Sofa.LinearAlgebra library has been cleaned up. More...
template<class Real > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< Real > &v) |
template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< float > &v) |
template SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RotationMatrix< double > &v) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _StorageIndex > |
void | flagValueIndices (Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue< _Scalar >, _Options, _StorageIndex > &matrix) |
template<class TMatrix > |
void | transpose (const TMatrix &self, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &outer, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &inner, type::vector< typename TMatrix::Index > &perm) |
template<typename Real , typename Integer > |
void | solveLowerUnitriangularSystemCSR (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solutionVector, const Integer *const CSR_rows, const Integer *const CSR_columns, const Real *const CSR_values) |
template<typename Real , typename Integer > |
void | solveUpperUnitriangularSystemCSR (const sofa::Size systemSize, const Real *rightHandSideVector, Real *solutionVector, const Integer *const CSR_rows, const Integer *const CSR_columns, const Real *const CSR_values) |
void | computeRowColumnCoordinateFromIndexInLowerTriangularMatrix (const sofa::Index flatIndex, sofa::Index &row, sofa::Index &col) |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | BlockDiagonalMatrix< 3, SReal > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | BlockFullMatrix< 6, SReal > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< double > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixGeneric< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1f > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2f > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3f > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4f > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, float > > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, float > > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< double > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat1x1d > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat2x2d > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat3x3d > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat4x4d > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 6, 6, double > > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | CompressedRowSparseMatrixMechanical< Mat< 8, 8, double > > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | FullMatrix< double > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | FullMatrix< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | LPtrFullMatrix< double > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | LPtrFullMatrix< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | FullVector< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | FullVector< double > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | RotationMatrix< float > |
template class SOFA_LINEARALGEBRA_API | RotationMatrix< double > |