SOFA API  5448a14f
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::type Namespace Reference

for std::pair More...




class  BoundingBox
class  TBoundingBox
class  BoundingBox2D
 bounding rectangle More...
class  BoundingBox1D
 bounding interval More...
class  DualQuatCoord3
class  fixed_array
class  Frame
class  Vec
class  VecNoInit
 Same as Vec except the values are not initialized by default. More...
class  Mat
class  MatNoInit
 Same as Mat except the values are not initialized by default. More...
class  Quat
struct  CleanupCheck
class  Material
class  MatSym
class  PrimitiveGroup
struct  qNoInit
class  QuatNoInit
 Same as Quat except the values are not initialized by default. More...
class  Ray
class  RGBAColor
 encode a 4 RGBA component color More...
class  SpatialVector
struct  StrongType
class  SVector
 Same as type::vector, + delimiters on serialization. More...
struct  Rebind
struct  Rebind< _T, _OtherType >
 Specialization for types that do have a nested rebind_to member. In this implementation, Rebind has a public member typedef to. It corresponds to the typedef rebind_to. More...
class  Transform
struct  NoInit
class  vector_device
class  CPUMemoryManager
class  vector


typedef Vec< 1, floatVec1f
typedef Vec< 1, double > Vec1d
typedef Vec< 1, int > Vec1i
typedef Vec< 1, unsignedVec1u
typedef Vec< 1, SRealVec1
typedef Vec< 2, floatVec2f
typedef Vec< 2, double > Vec2d
typedef Vec< 2, int > Vec2i
typedef Vec< 2, unsignedVec2u
typedef Vec< 2, SRealVec2
typedef Vec< 3, floatVec3f
typedef Vec< 3, double > Vec3d
typedef Vec< 3, int > Vec3i
typedef Vec< 3, unsignedVec3u
typedef Vec< 3, SRealVec3
typedef Vec< 4, floatVec4f
typedef Vec< 4, double > Vec4d
typedef Vec< 4, int > Vec4i
typedef Vec< 4, unsignedVec4u
typedef Vec< 4, SRealVec4
typedef Vec< 6, floatVec6f
typedef Vec< 6, double > Vec6d
typedef Vec< 6, int > Vec6i
typedef Vec< 6, unsignedVec6u
typedef Vec< 6, SRealVec6
typedef Mat< 1, 1, floatMat1x1f
typedef Mat< 1, 1, double > Mat1x1d
typedef Mat< 2, 2, floatMat2x2f
typedef Mat< 2, 2, double > Mat2x2d
typedef Mat< 3, 3, floatMat3x3f
typedef Mat< 3, 3, double > Mat3x3d
typedef Mat< 3, 4, floatMat3x4f
typedef Mat< 3, 4, double > Mat3x4d
typedef Mat< 4, 4, floatMat4x4f
typedef Mat< 4, 4, double > Mat4x4d
typedef Mat< 6, 6, floatMat6x6f
typedef Mat< 6, 6, double > Mat6x6d
typedef Mat< 2, 2, SRealMat2x2
typedef Mat< 3, 3, SRealMat3x3
typedef Mat< 4, 4, SRealMat4x4
typedef Mat< 6, 6, SRealMat6x6
typedef Mat< 2, 2, SRealMatrix2
typedef Mat< 3, 3, SRealMatrix3
typedef Mat< 4, 4, SRealMatrix4
using Quatd = type::Quat< double >
using Quatf = type::Quat< float >
using BoundingBox3D = BoundingBox
using FixedArray1i = fixed_array< int, 1 >
using FixedArray1I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 1 >
using FixedArray2i = fixed_array< int, 2 >
using FixedArray2I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 2 >
using FixedArray3i = fixed_array< int, 3 >
using FixedArray3I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 3 >
using FixedArray4i = fixed_array< int, 4 >
using FixedArray4I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 4 >
using FixedArray5i = fixed_array< int, 5 >
using FixedArray5I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 5 >
using FixedArray6i = fixed_array< int, 6 >
using FixedArray6I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 6 >
using FixedArray7i = fixed_array< int, 7 >
using FixedArray7I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 7 >
using FixedArray8i = fixed_array< int, 8 >
using FixedArray8I = fixed_array< unsigned int, 8 >
using FixedArray1f = fixed_array< float, 1 >
using FixedArray1d = fixed_array< double, 1 >
using FixedArray2f = fixed_array< float, 2 >
using FixedArray2d = fixed_array< double, 2 >
using FixedArray3f = fixed_array< float, 3 >
using FixedArray3d = fixed_array< double, 3 >
using FixedArray4f = fixed_array< float, 4 >
using FixedArray4d = fixed_array< double, 4 >
using FixedArray5f = fixed_array< float, 5 >
using FixedArray5d = fixed_array< double, 5 >
using FixedArray6f = fixed_array< float, 6 >
using FixedArray6d = fixed_array< double, 6 >
using FixedArray7f = fixed_array< float, 7 >
using FixedArray7d = fixed_array< double, 7 >
using FixedArray8f = fixed_array< float, 8 >
using FixedArray8d = fixed_array< double, 8 >
template<class T , class A = std::allocator<T>>
using stable_vector = boost::container::stable_vector< T, A >
template<class T , class B >
using rebind_to = typename Rebind< T, B >::to


BoundingBox::bbox_t make_neutralBBox ()
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto make_array (Ts &&... ts) -> fixed_array< std::common_type_t< Ts... >, sizeof...(Ts)>
template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr sofa::type::fixed_array< T, N > makeHomogeneousArray (const T &value)
 Builds a fixed_array in which all elements have the same value. More...
template<typename FixedArray >
constexpr FixedArray makeHomogeneousArray (const typename FixedArray::value_type &value)
 Builds a fixed_array in which all elements have the same value. More...
template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool operator< (const fixed_array< T, N > &v1, const fixed_array< T, N > &v2) noexcept
 Checks if v1 is lexicographically less than v2. Similar to std::lexicographical_compare. More...
template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool operator> (const fixed_array< T, N > &v1, const fixed_array< T, N > &v2) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const sofa::type::Frame &c)
SOFA_TYPE_API void init ()
 Initialize the SofaHelper library. More...
SOFA_TYPE_API bool isInitialized ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been initialized. More...
SOFA_TYPE_API void cleanup ()
 Clean up the resources used by the SofaHelper library. More...
SOFA_TYPE_API bool isCleanedUp ()
 Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been cleaned up. More...
SOFA_TYPE_API void printUninitializedLibraryWarning (const std::string &library, const std::string &initFunction)
 Print a warning about a library not being initialized (meant for internal use). More...
SOFA_TYPE_API void printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning (const std::string &library, const std::string &cleanupFunction)
 Print a warning about a library not being cleaned up (meant for internal use). More...
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, sofa::Size P, class real >
constexpr Mat< C, P, real > multTranspose (const Mat< L, C, real > &m1, const Mat< L, P, real > &m2) noexcept
template<class real >
constexpr real determinant (const Mat< 3, 3, real > &m) noexcept
 Determinant of a 3x3 matrix. More...
template<class real >
constexpr real determinant (const Mat< 2, 2, real > &m) noexcept
 Determinant of a 2x2 matrix. More...
template<class real >
constexpr real determinant (const Mat< 2, 3, real > &m) noexcept
template<class real >
constexpr real determinant (const Mat< 3, 2, real > &m) noexcept
template<class real >
real oneNorm (const Mat< 3, 3, real > &A)
template<class real >
real infNorm (const Mat< 3, 3, real > &A)
template<sofa::Size N, class real >
constexpr real trace (const Mat< N, N, real > &m) noexcept
 trace of a square matrix More...
template<sofa::Size N, class real >
constexpr Vec< N, real > diagonal (const Mat< N, N, real > &m)
 diagonal of a square matrix More...
template<sofa::Size S, class real >
bool invertMatrix (Mat< S, S, real > &dest, const Mat< S, S, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (general case). More...
template<class real >
constexpr bool invertMatrix (Mat< 3, 3, real > &dest, const Mat< 3, 3, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (special case 3x3). More...
template<class real >
constexpr bool invertMatrix (Mat< 2, 2, real > &dest, const Mat< 2, 2, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (special case 2x2). More...
template<class real >
constexpr bool invertMatrix (Mat< 1, 1, real > &dest, const Mat< 1, 1, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (special case 1x1). More...
template<sofa::Size S, class real >
constexpr bool transformInvertMatrix (Mat< S, S, real > &dest, const Mat< S, S, real > &from)
 Inverse Matrix considering the matrix as a transformation. More...
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Mat< L, C, real > &m)
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Mat< L, C, real > &m)
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
void printMatlab (std::ostream &o, const Mat< L, C, real > &m)
 printing in other software formats More...
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
void printMaple (std::ostream &o, const Mat< L, C, real > &m)
template<class Tu , class Tv >
constexpr Mat< Tu::size(), Tv::size(), typename Tu::value_type > dyad (const Tu &u, const Tv &v) noexcept
 Create a matrix as $ u v^T $. More...
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
constexpr real scalarProduct (const Mat< L, C, real > &left, const Mat< L, C, real > &right) noexcept
 Compute the scalar product of two matrix (sum of product of all terms) More...
template<class Real >
constexpr Mat< 3, 3, Real > crossProductMatrix (const Vec< 3, Real > &v) noexcept
template<sofa::Size L, class Real >
constexpr Mat< L, L, Real > tensorProduct (const Vec< L, Real > &a, const Vec< L, Real > &b) noexcept
 return a * b^T More...
template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, sofa::Size P, class real >
constexpr Mat< L, P, real > operator* (const Mat< L, C, real > &m1, const Mat< C, P, real > &m2) noexcept
template<class real >
constexpr Mat< 3, 3, real > operator* (const Mat< 3, 3, real > &m1, const Mat< 3, 3, real > &m2) noexcept
template<class real >
constexpr Mat< 3, 3, real > multTranspose (const Mat< 3, 3, real > &m1, const Mat< 3, 3, real > &m2) noexcept
template<Size n, class real >
bool cholDcmp (Mat< n, n, real > &L, const Mat< n, n, real > &M)
template<Size n, class real >
void cholBksb (Vec< n, real > &x, const Mat< n, n, real > &L, const Vec< n, real > &b)
template<Size n, class real >
bool cholSlv (Vec< n, real > &x, const Mat< n, n, real > &M, const Vec< n, real > &b)
template<Size n, class real >
bool cholInv (Mat< n, n, real > &Inv, const Mat< n, n, real > &M)
template<Size dim, typename real >
bool solveLCP (const Vec< dim, real > &q, const Mat< dim, dim, real > &M, Vec< dim *2, real > &res)
template<int n, typename Real >
void ludcmp (Mat< n, n, Real > &a, Vec< n, int > &indx)
 Compute the LU decomposition of matrix a. a is replaced by its pivoted LU decomposition. indx stores pivoting indices. More...
template<int n, typename Real >
void lubksb (const Mat< n, n, Real > &a, const Vec< n, int > &indx, Vec< n, Real > &b)
 Compute the solution of Mx=b. b is replaced by x. a and indx together represent the LU decomposition of m, as given my method ludcmp. More...
template<int n, typename Real >
void luinv (Mat< n, n, Real > &inv, Mat< n, n, Real > &m)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 S_MAX (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 return the max of two values More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 S_MIN (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 return the min of two values More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 S_SIGN (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
template<class T >
const T S_SQR (const T a)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
T1 pythag (const T1 a, const T2 b)
 Computes sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without destructive underflow or overflow. More...
template<int m, int n, typename Real >
void svddcmp (Mat< m, n, Real > &a, Vec< n, Real > &w, Mat< n, m, Real > &v)
 Compute the SVD decomposition of matrix a (from nr). a is replaced by its pivoted LU decomposition. indx stores pivoting indices. More...
template<int m, int n, typename Real >
Real cond (Mat< m, n, Real > &a)
 return the condition number of the matrix a following the euclidean norm (using the svd decomposition to find singular values) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Material &m)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Material &m)
template<sofa::Size D, class real >
Mat< D, D, real > operator* (const Mat< D, D, real > &a, const MatSym< D, real > &b)
template<class real >
real determinant (const MatSym< 3, real > &m)
 Determinant of a 3x3 matrix. More...
template<class real >
real determinant (const MatSym< 2, real > &m)
 Determinant of a 2x2 matrix. More...
template<class real >
real trace (const MatSym< 3, real > &m)
 Trace of a 3x3 matrix. More...
template<class real >
real trace (const MatSym< 2, real > &m)
 Trace of a 2x2 matrix. More...
template<sofa::Size S, class real >
bool invertMatrix (MatSym< S, real > &dest, const MatSym< S, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (general case). More...
template<class real >
bool invertMatrix (MatSym< 3, real > &dest, const MatSym< 3, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (special case 3x3). More...
template<class real >
bool invertMatrix (MatSym< 2, real > &dest, const MatSym< 2, real > &from)
 Matrix inversion (special case 2x2). More...
template<sofa::Size D, class real >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const MatSym< D, real > &m)
template<sofa::Size D, class real >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, MatSym< D, real > &m)
template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real scalarProduct (const MatSym< D, real > &left, const MatSym< D, real > &right)
 Compute the scalar product of two matrix (sum of product of all terms) More...
template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real scalarProduct (const MatSym< D, real > &left, const Mat< D, D, real > &right)
template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real scalarProduct (const Mat< D, D, real > &left, const MatSym< D, real > &right)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PrimitiveGroup &g)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, PrimitiveGroup &g)
template SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quat< double > &v)
template SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Quat< double > &v)
template SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quat< float > &v)
template SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Quat< float > &v)
template<class Real >
SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quat< Real > &v)
 write to an output stream More...
template<class Real >
SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Quat< Real > &v)
 read from an input stream More...
template<class Real >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quat< Real > &v)
 write to an output stream More...
template<class Real >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Quat< Real > &v)
 read from an input stream More...
SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &i, RGBAColor &t)
SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RGBAColor &t)
 Write to an output stream. More...
constexpr RGBAColor operator- (const RGBAColor &l, const RGBAColor &r)
constexpr RGBAColor operator+ (const RGBAColor &l, const RGBAColor &r)
constexpr RGBAColor operator/ (const RGBAColor &l, const float div)
template<template< class > class _T, class A , class _OtherType >
 requires (!CanTypeRebind< _T< A >, _OtherType >) struct Rebind< _T< A >
 Specialization for types that do NOT have a nested rebind_to member. In this implementation, Rebind has a public member typedef to. More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename Real >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Vec< N, Real > &v)
 Read from an input stream. More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename Real >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Vec< N, Real > &v)
 Write to an output stream. More...
template<typename real1 , typename real2 >
constexpr Vec< 3, real1 > cross (const Vec< 3, real1 > &a, const Vec< 3, real2 > &b) noexcept
 Cross product for 3-elements vectors. More...
template<typename real1 , typename real2 >
constexpr real1 cross (const type::Vec< 2, real1 > &a, const type::Vec< 2, real2 > &b) noexcept
 Cross product for 2-elements vectors. More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr real dot (const Vec< N, real > &a, const Vec< N, real > &b) noexcept
 Dot product (alias for operator*) More...
template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr Vec< N, real > operator* (const double &a, const Vec< N, real > &V) noexcept
template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr Vec< N, real > operator* (const float &a, const Vec< N, real > &V) noexcept
template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool operator< (const Vec< N, T > &v1, const Vec< N, T > &v2) noexcept
 Checks if v1 is lexicographically less than v2. Similar to std::lexicographical_compare. More...
void SOFA_TYPE_API vector_access_failure (const void *vec, const std::size_t size, const std::size_t i, const std::type_info &type)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void remove (T1 &v, const T2 &elem)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void removeValue (T1 &v, const T2 &elem)
template<class T , class TT >
void removeIndex (std::vector< T, TT > &v, size_t index)
 Remove value at given index, replace it by the value at the last index, other values are not changed. More...
SOFA_TYPE_API int getInteger (const std::string &s, std::stringstream &msg, unsigned int &numErrors)
SOFA_TYPE_API unsigned int getUnsignedInteger (const std::string &s, std::stringstream &msg, unsigned int &numErrors)
linear algebra on standard vectors
template<class V1 , class V2 >
SReal dot (const V1 &vector1, const V2 &vector2)
 Dot product of two vectors. More...
template<class V >
SReal norm (const V &v)
 Norm of a vector. More...
template<class V1 , class Scalar , class V2 , class V3 >
void axpy (V1 &result, Scalar a, const V2 &x, const V3 &y)
 Vector operation: result = ax + y. More...


template class SOFA_TYPE_API DualQuatCoord3< double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API DualQuatCoord3< float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 2 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 2 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 3 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 3 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 4 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 4 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 5 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 5 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 6 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 6 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< float, 7 >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API fixed_array< double, 7 >
template<class T >
concept isRigidType
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Quat< double >
 Explicit instantiation of the quaternions for double precision. More...
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Quat< float >
 Explicit instantiation of the quaternions for single precision. More...
constexpr qNoInit QNOINIT
const std::map< std::string, RGBAColorstringToColorMap
constexpr RGBAColor g_white {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_black {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_red {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_green {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_blue {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_cyan {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_magenta {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_yellow {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_gray {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_darkgray {0.25f, 0.25f,0.25f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_lightgray {0.75f, 0.75f,0.75f, 1.0f}
constexpr RGBAColor g_orange { 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_purple { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_pink { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_brown { 0.6f, 0.3f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_lime { 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_teal { 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_navy { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_olive { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_maroon { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_silver { 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f }
constexpr RGBAColor g_gold { 1.0f, 0.84f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
template class SOFA_TYPE_API SpatialVector< double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API SpatialVector< float >
template<class T , class OtherType >
concept CanTypeRebind
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Transform< double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Transform< float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 2, float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 2, int >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 2, double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 2, unsigned >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 3, float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 3, int >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 3, double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 3, unsigned >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 4, float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 4, int >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 4, double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 4, unsigned >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 6, float >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 6, int >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 6, double >
template class SOFA_TYPE_API Vec< 6, unsigned >
constexpr NoInit NOINIT

Detailed Description

for std::pair

All integral types are considered as extern templates.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BoundingBox3D

◆ FixedArray1d

using sofa::type::FixedArray1d = typedef fixed_array<double, 1>

◆ FixedArray1f

◆ FixedArray1i

using sofa::type::FixedArray1i = typedef fixed_array<int, 1>

◆ FixedArray1I

◆ FixedArray2d

using sofa::type::FixedArray2d = typedef fixed_array<double, 2>

◆ FixedArray2f

◆ FixedArray2i

using sofa::type::FixedArray2i = typedef fixed_array<int, 2>

◆ FixedArray2I

◆ FixedArray3d

using sofa::type::FixedArray3d = typedef fixed_array<double, 3>

◆ FixedArray3f

◆ FixedArray3i

using sofa::type::FixedArray3i = typedef fixed_array<int, 3>

◆ FixedArray3I

◆ FixedArray4d

using sofa::type::FixedArray4d = typedef fixed_array<double, 4>

◆ FixedArray4f

◆ FixedArray4i

using sofa::type::FixedArray4i = typedef fixed_array<int, 4>

◆ FixedArray4I

◆ FixedArray5d

using sofa::type::FixedArray5d = typedef fixed_array<double, 5>

◆ FixedArray5f

◆ FixedArray5i

using sofa::type::FixedArray5i = typedef fixed_array<int, 5>

◆ FixedArray5I

◆ FixedArray6d

using sofa::type::FixedArray6d = typedef fixed_array<double, 6>

◆ FixedArray6f

◆ FixedArray6i

using sofa::type::FixedArray6i = typedef fixed_array<int, 6>

◆ FixedArray6I

◆ FixedArray7d

using sofa::type::FixedArray7d = typedef fixed_array<double, 7>

◆ FixedArray7f

◆ FixedArray7i

using sofa::type::FixedArray7i = typedef fixed_array<int, 7>

◆ FixedArray7I

◆ FixedArray8d

using sofa::type::FixedArray8d = typedef fixed_array<double, 8>

◆ FixedArray8f

◆ FixedArray8i

using sofa::type::FixedArray8i = typedef fixed_array<int, 8>

◆ FixedArray8I

◆ Mat1x1d

typedef Mat<1,1,double> sofa::type::Mat1x1d

◆ Mat1x1f

◆ Mat2x2

◆ Mat2x2d

typedef Mat<2,2,double> sofa::type::Mat2x2d

◆ Mat2x2f

◆ Mat3x3

◆ Mat3x3d

typedef Mat<3,3,double> sofa::type::Mat3x3d

◆ Mat3x3f

◆ Mat3x4d

typedef Mat<3,4,double> sofa::type::Mat3x4d

◆ Mat3x4f

◆ Mat4x4

◆ Mat4x4d

typedef Mat<4,4,double> sofa::type::Mat4x4d

◆ Mat4x4f

◆ Mat6x6

◆ Mat6x6d

typedef Mat<6, 6, double> sofa::type::Mat6x6d

◆ Mat6x6f

typedef Mat<6, 6, float> sofa::type::Mat6x6f

◆ Matrix2

◆ Matrix3

◆ Matrix4

◆ Quatd

using sofa::type::Quatd = typedef type::Quat<double>

◆ Quatf

◆ rebind_to

template<class T , class B >
using sofa::type::rebind_to = typedef typename Rebind<T, B>::to

Convenient alias to ease usage of Rebind.

Example: 1) sofa::type::rebind_to< sofa::type::vector<int>, float> is of type sofa::type::vector<float>. In this example, sofa::type::vector has a typedef rebind_to that will be used to deduce the type. 2) sofa::type::rebind_to< sofa::type::Quat<float>, double> is of type sofa::type::Quat<double>. In this example, sofa::type::Quat does not have a typedef rebind_to. 3) It makes no sense to use sofa::type::rebind on types having more than one template parameter, such as sofa::type::fixed_array. A compilation error would occur.

◆ stable_vector

template<class T , class A = std::allocator<T>>
using sofa::type::stable_vector = typedef boost::container::stable_vector<T,A>

◆ Vec1

◆ Vec1d

typedef Vec<1,double> sofa::type::Vec1d

◆ Vec1f

◆ Vec1i

typedef Vec<1,int> sofa::type::Vec1i

◆ Vec1u

◆ Vec2

◆ Vec2d

typedef Vec<2,double> sofa::type::Vec2d

◆ Vec2f

◆ Vec2i

typedef Vec<2,int> sofa::type::Vec2i

◆ Vec2u

◆ Vec3

◆ Vec3d

typedef Vec<3,double> sofa::type::Vec3d

◆ Vec3f

◆ Vec3i

typedef Vec<3,int> sofa::type::Vec3i

◆ Vec3u

◆ Vec4

◆ Vec4d

typedef Vec<4,double> sofa::type::Vec4d

◆ Vec4f

◆ Vec4i

typedef Vec<4,int> sofa::type::Vec4i

◆ Vec4u

◆ Vec6

◆ Vec6d

typedef Vec<6,double> sofa::type::Vec6d

◆ Vec6f

◆ Vec6i

typedef Vec<6,int> sofa::type::Vec6i

◆ Vec6u

Function Documentation

◆ axpy()

template<class V1 , class Scalar , class V2 , class V3 >
void sofa::type::axpy ( V1 &  result,
Scalar  a,
const V2 &  x,
const V3 &  y 

Vector operation: result = ax + y.

◆ cholBksb()

template<Size n, class real >
void sofa::type::cholBksb ( Vec< n, real > &  x,
const Mat< n, n, real > &  L,
const Vec< n, real > &  b 

Cholesky back-substitution: solve the system Mx=b using the triangular matrix L such that M=L.Lt

L was computed using the Cholesky decomposition of L

◆ cholDcmp()

template<Size n, class real >
bool sofa::type::cholDcmp ( Mat< n, n, real > &  L,
const Mat< n, n, real > &  M 

Cholesky decomposition: compute triangular matrix L such that M=L.Lt

M must be symmetric positive definite returns false is the decomposition fails

◆ cholInv()

template<Size n, class real >
bool sofa::type::cholInv ( Mat< n, n, real > &  Inv,
const Mat< n, n, real > &  M 

Inversion of a positive symmetric definite (PSD) matrix using a Cholesky decomposition. Returns false if the matrix is not PSD.

◆ cholSlv()

template<Size n, class real >
bool sofa::type::cholSlv ( Vec< n, real > &  x,
const Mat< n, n, real > &  M,
const Vec< n, real > &  b 

Cholesky solution: solve the system Mx=b using a Cholesky decomposition.

M must be symmetric positive definite Returns false is the decomposition fails. If you have several solutions to perform with the same matrix M and different vectors b, it is more efficient to factor the matrix once and then use back-substitution for each vector.

◆ cleanup()

SOFA_TYPE_API void sofa::type::cleanup ( )

Clean up the resources used by the SofaHelper library.

◆ cond()

template<int m, int n, typename Real >
Real sofa::type::cond ( Mat< m, n, Real > &  a)

return the condition number of the matrix a following the euclidean norm (using the svd decomposition to find singular values)

◆ cross() [1/2]

template<typename real1 , typename real2 >
constexpr real1 sofa::type::cross ( const type::Vec< 2, real1 > &  a,
const type::Vec< 2, real2 > &  b 

Cross product for 2-elements vectors.

◆ cross() [2/2]

template<typename real1 , typename real2 >
constexpr Vec<3,real1> sofa::type::cross ( const Vec< 3, real1 > &  a,
const Vec< 3, real2 > &  b 

Cross product for 3-elements vectors.

◆ crossProductMatrix()

template<class Real >
constexpr Mat<3, 3, Real> sofa::type::crossProductMatrix ( const Vec< 3, Real > &  v)

skew-symmetric mapping crossProductMatrix(v) * x = v.cross(x)

◆ determinant() [1/6]

template<class real >
constexpr real sofa::type::determinant ( const Mat< 2, 2, real > &  m)

Determinant of a 2x2 matrix.

◆ determinant() [2/6]

template<class real >
constexpr real sofa::type::determinant ( const Mat< 2, 3, real > &  m)

Generalized-determinant of a 2x3 matrix. Mirko Radi, "About a Determinant of Rectangular 2×n Matrix and its Geometric Interpretation"

◆ determinant() [3/6]

template<class real >
constexpr real sofa::type::determinant ( const Mat< 3, 2, real > &  m)

Generalized-determinant of a 3x2 matrix. Mirko Radi, "About a Determinant of Rectangular 2×n Matrix and its Geometric Interpretation"

◆ determinant() [4/6]

template<class real >
constexpr real sofa::type::determinant ( const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  m)

Determinant of a 3x3 matrix.

◆ determinant() [5/6]

template<class real >
real sofa::type::determinant ( const MatSym< 2, real > &  m)

Determinant of a 2x2 matrix.

◆ determinant() [6/6]

template<class real >
real sofa::type::determinant ( const MatSym< 3, real > &  m)

Determinant of a 3x3 matrix.

◆ diagonal()

template<sofa::Size N, class real >
constexpr Vec<N,real> sofa::type::diagonal ( const Mat< N, N, real > &  m)

diagonal of a square matrix

◆ dot() [1/2]

template<class V1 , class V2 >
SReal sofa::type::dot ( const V1 &  vector1,
const V2 &  vector2 

Dot product of two vectors.

◆ dot() [2/2]

template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr real sofa::type::dot ( const Vec< N, real > &  a,
const Vec< N, real > &  b 

Dot product (alias for operator*)

◆ dyad()

template<class Tu , class Tv >
constexpr Mat<Tu::size(), Tv::size(), typename Tu::value_type> sofa::type::dyad ( const Tu &  u,
const Tv &  v 

Create a matrix as $ u v^T $.

◆ getInteger()

SOFA_TYPE_API int sofa::type::getInteger ( const std::string &  s,
std::stringstream &  msg,
unsigned int &  numErrors 

Convert the string 's' into an unsigned int. The error are reported in msg & numErrors is incremented.

◆ getUnsignedInteger()

SOFA_TYPE_API unsigned int sofa::type::getUnsignedInteger ( const std::string &  s,
std::stringstream &  msg,
unsigned int &  numErrors 

Convert the string 's' into an unsigned int. The error are reported in msg & numErrors is incremented.

◆ infNorm()

template<class real >
real sofa::type::infNorm ( const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  A)

◆ init()

SOFA_TYPE_API void sofa::type::init ( )

Initialize the SofaHelper library.

◆ invertMatrix() [1/7]

template<class real >
constexpr bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( Mat< 1, 1, real > &  dest,
const Mat< 1, 1, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (special case 1x1).

◆ invertMatrix() [2/7]

template<class real >
constexpr bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( Mat< 2, 2, real > &  dest,
const Mat< 2, 2, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (special case 2x2).

◆ invertMatrix() [3/7]

template<class real >
constexpr bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( Mat< 3, 3, real > &  dest,
const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (special case 3x3).

◆ invertMatrix() [4/7]

template<sofa::Size S, class real >
bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( Mat< S, S, real > &  dest,
const Mat< S, S, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (general case).

◆ invertMatrix() [5/7]

template<class real >
bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( MatSym< 2, real > &  dest,
const MatSym< 2, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (special case 2x2).

◆ invertMatrix() [6/7]

template<class real >
bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( MatSym< 3, real > &  dest,
const MatSym< 3, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (special case 3x3).

◆ invertMatrix() [7/7]

template<sofa::Size S, class real >
bool sofa::type::invertMatrix ( MatSym< S, real > &  dest,
const MatSym< S, real > &  from 

Matrix inversion (general case).

◆ isCleanedUp()

SOFA_TYPE_API bool sofa::type::isCleanedUp ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been cleaned up.

◆ isInitialized()

SOFA_TYPE_API bool sofa::type::isInitialized ( )

Return true if and only if the SofaHelper library has been initialized.

◆ lubksb()

template<int n, typename Real >
void sofa::type::lubksb ( const Mat< n, n, Real > &  a,
const Vec< n, int > &  indx,
Vec< n, Real > &  b 

Compute the solution of Mx=b. b is replaced by x. a and indx together represent the LU decomposition of m, as given my method ludcmp.

◆ ludcmp()

template<int n, typename Real >
void sofa::type::ludcmp ( Mat< n, n, Real > &  a,
Vec< n, int > &  indx 

Compute the LU decomposition of matrix a. a is replaced by its pivoted LU decomposition. indx stores pivoting indices.

◆ luinv()

template<int n, typename Real >
void sofa::type::luinv ( Mat< n, n, Real > &  inv,
Mat< n, n, Real > &  m 

Compute the inverse of matrix m.

Matrix m is replaced by its LU decomposition.

◆ make_array()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto sofa::type::make_array ( Ts &&...  ts) -> fixed_array<std::common_type_t<Ts...>, sizeof...(Ts)>

◆ make_neutralBBox()

BoundingBox::bbox_t sofa::type::make_neutralBBox ( )

◆ makeHomogeneousArray() [1/2]

template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr sofa::type::fixed_array<T, N> sofa::type::makeHomogeneousArray ( const T &  value)

Builds a fixed_array in which all elements have the same value.

◆ makeHomogeneousArray() [2/2]

template<typename FixedArray >
constexpr FixedArray sofa::type::makeHomogeneousArray ( const typename FixedArray::value_type &  value)

Builds a fixed_array in which all elements have the same value.

◆ multTranspose() [1/2]

template<class real >
constexpr Mat<3,3,real> sofa::type::multTranspose ( const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  m1,
const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  m2 

◆ multTranspose() [2/2]

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, sofa::Size P, class real >
constexpr Mat< C, P, real > sofa::type::multTranspose ( const Mat< L, C, real > &  m1,
const Mat< L, P, real > &  m2 

◆ norm()

template<class V >
SReal sofa::type::norm ( const V &  v)

Norm of a vector.

◆ oneNorm()

template<class real >
real sofa::type::oneNorm ( const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  A)

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr Vec<N,real> sofa::type::operator* ( const double &  a,
const Vec< N, real > &  V 

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<sofa::Size N, typename real >
constexpr Vec<N,real> sofa::type::operator* ( const float a,
const Vec< N, real > &  V 

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<class real >
constexpr Mat<3,3,real> sofa::type::operator* ( const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  m1,
const Mat< 3, 3, real > &  m2 

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<sofa::Size D, class real >
Mat<D, D, real> sofa::type::operator* ( const Mat< D, D, real > &  a,
const MatSym< D, real > &  b 

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, sofa::Size P, class real >
constexpr Mat<L,P,real> sofa::type::operator* ( const Mat< L, C, real > &  m1,
const Mat< C, P, real > &  m2 

◆ operator+()

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::operator+ ( const RGBAColor l,
const RGBAColor r 

◆ operator-()

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::operator- ( const RGBAColor l,
const RGBAColor r 

◆ operator/()

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::operator/ ( const RGBAColor l,
const float  div 

◆ operator<() [1/2]

template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool sofa::type::operator< ( const fixed_array< T, N > &  v1,
const fixed_array< T, N > &  v2 

Checks if v1 is lexicographically less than v2. Similar to std::lexicographical_compare.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool sofa::type::operator< ( const Vec< N, T > &  v1,
const Vec< N, T > &  v2 

Checks if v1 is lexicographically less than v2. Similar to std::lexicographical_compare.

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Mat< L, C, real > &  m 

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

template<sofa::Size D, class real >
std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const MatSym< D, real > &  m 

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Material m 

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PrimitiveGroup g 

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

template SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Quat< double > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

template SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Quat< float > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

template<class Real >
SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Quat< Real > &  v 

write to an output stream

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

template<class Real >
std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Quat< Real > &  v 

write to an output stream

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

SOFA_TYPE_API std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RGBAColor t 

Write to an output stream.

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const sofa::type::Frame c 

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

template<sofa::Size N, typename Real >
std::ostream& sofa::type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Vec< N, Real > &  v 

Write to an output stream.

◆ operator>()

template<typename T , sofa::Size N>
constexpr bool sofa::type::operator> ( const fixed_array< T, N > &  v1,
const fixed_array< T, N > &  v2 

◆ operator>>() [1/10]

SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
RGBAColor t 

◆ operator>>() [2/10]

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Mat< L, C, real > &  m 

◆ operator>>() [3/10]

std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Material m 

◆ operator>>() [4/10]

template<sofa::Size D, class real >
std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
MatSym< D, real > &  m 

◆ operator>>() [5/10]

std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
PrimitiveGroup g 

◆ operator>>() [6/10]

template SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Quat< double > &  v 

◆ operator>>() [7/10]

template SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Quat< float > &  v 

◆ operator>>() [8/10]

template<class Real >
SOFA_TYPE_API std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Quat< Real > &  v 

read from an input stream

◆ operator>>() [9/10]

template<class Real >
std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Quat< Real > &  v 

read from an input stream

◆ operator>>() [10/10]

template<sofa::Size N, typename Real >
std::istream& sofa::type::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Vec< N, Real > &  v 

Read from an input stream.

◆ printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning()

SOFA_TYPE_API void sofa::type::printLibraryNotCleanedUpWarning ( const std::string &  library,
const std::string &  cleanupFunction 

Print a warning about a library not being cleaned up (meant for internal use).

◆ printMaple()

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
void sofa::type::printMaple ( std::ostream &  o,
const Mat< L, C, real > &  m 

◆ printMatlab()

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
void sofa::type::printMatlab ( std::ostream &  o,
const Mat< L, C, real > &  m 

printing in other software formats

◆ printUninitializedLibraryWarning()

SOFA_TYPE_API void sofa::type::printUninitializedLibraryWarning ( const std::string &  library,
const std::string &  initFunction 

Print a warning about a library not being initialized (meant for internal use).

◆ pythag()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
T1 sofa::type::pythag ( const T1  a,
const T2  b 

Computes sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without destructive underflow or overflow.

◆ remove()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
void sofa::type::remove ( T1 &  v,
const T2 &  elem 

Remove the first occurrence of a given value. The remaining values are shifted.

◆ removeIndex()

template<class T , class TT >
void sofa::type::removeIndex ( std::vector< T, TT > &  v,
size_t  index 

Remove value at given index, replace it by the value at the last index, other values are not changed.

◆ removeValue()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
void sofa::type::removeValue ( T1 &  v,
const T2 &  elem 

Remove the first occurrence of a given value.

The last value is moved to where the value was found, and the other values are not shifted.

◆ requires()

template<template< class > class _T, class A , class _OtherType >
sofa::type::requires ( !CanTypeRebind< _T< A >, _OtherType )

Specialization for types that do NOT have a nested rebind_to member. In this implementation, Rebind has a public member typedef to.

Template Parameters
_TType that does NOT have a nested rebind_to member

◆ S_MAX()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 sofa::type::S_MAX ( const T1 &  a,
const T2 &  b 

return the max of two values

◆ S_MIN()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 sofa::type::S_MIN ( const T1 &  a,
const T2 &  b 

return the min of two values

◆ S_SIGN()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
const T1 sofa::type::S_SIGN ( const T1 &  a,
const T2 &  b 

◆ S_SQR()

template<class T >
const T sofa::type::S_SQR ( const T  a)

◆ scalarProduct() [1/4]

template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real sofa::type::scalarProduct ( const Mat< D, D, real > &  left,
const MatSym< D, real > &  right 

◆ scalarProduct() [2/4]

template<sofa::Size L, sofa::Size C, typename real >
constexpr real sofa::type::scalarProduct ( const Mat< L, C, real > &  left,
const Mat< L, C, real > &  right 

Compute the scalar product of two matrix (sum of product of all terms)

◆ scalarProduct() [3/4]

template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real sofa::type::scalarProduct ( const MatSym< D, real > &  left,
const Mat< D, D, real > &  right 

◆ scalarProduct() [4/4]

template<sofa::Size D, typename real >
real sofa::type::scalarProduct ( const MatSym< D, real > &  left,
const MatSym< D, real > &  right 

Compute the scalar product of two matrix (sum of product of all terms)

◆ solveLCP()

template<Size dim, typename real >
bool sofa::type::solveLCP ( const Vec< dim, real > &  q,
const Mat< dim, dim, real > &  M,
Vec< dim *2, real > &  res 

◆ svddcmp()

template<int m, int n, typename Real >
void sofa::type::svddcmp ( Mat< m, n, Real > &  a,
Vec< n, Real > &  w,
Mat< n, m, Real > &  v 

Compute the SVD decomposition of matrix a (from nr). a is replaced by its pivoted LU decomposition. indx stores pivoting indices.

SVD decomposition a = u.w.vt

a: original matrix, destroyed to become u
w: diagonal vector
v: matrix

◆ tensorProduct()

template<sofa::Size L, class Real >
constexpr Mat<L,L,Real> sofa::type::tensorProduct ( const Vec< L, Real > &  a,
const Vec< L, Real > &  b 

return a * b^T

◆ trace() [1/3]

template<sofa::Size N, class real >
constexpr real sofa::type::trace ( const Mat< N, N, real > &  m)

trace of a square matrix

◆ trace() [2/3]

template<class real >
real sofa::type::trace ( const MatSym< 2, real > &  m)

Trace of a 2x2 matrix.

◆ trace() [3/3]

template<class real >
real sofa::type::trace ( const MatSym< 3, real > &  m)

Trace of a 3x3 matrix.

◆ transformInvertMatrix()

template<sofa::Size S, class real >
constexpr bool sofa::type::transformInvertMatrix ( Mat< S, S, real > &  dest,
const Mat< S, S, real > &  from 

Inverse Matrix considering the matrix as a transformation.

◆ vector_access_failure()

void SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::vector_access_failure ( const void *  vec,
const std::size_t  size,
const std::size_t  i,
const std::type_info &  type 

Variable Documentation

◆ _OtherType

Initial value:
using to = _T<_OtherType>

◆ CanTypeRebind

template<class T , class OtherType >
concept sofa::type::CanTypeRebind
Initial value:
typename T::template rebind_to<OtherType>;
requires(!CanTypeRebind< _T< A >, _OtherType >) struct Rebind< _T< A >
Specialization for types that do NOT have a nested rebind_to member. In this implementation,...

◆ DualQuatCoord3< double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::DualQuatCoord3< double >

◆ DualQuatCoord3< float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::DualQuatCoord3< float >

◆ fixed_array< double, 2 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 2 >

◆ fixed_array< double, 3 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 3 >

◆ fixed_array< double, 4 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 4 >

◆ fixed_array< double, 5 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 5 >

◆ fixed_array< double, 6 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 6 >

◆ fixed_array< double, 7 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< double, 7 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 2 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 2 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 3 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 3 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 4 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 4 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 5 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 5 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 6 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 6 >

◆ fixed_array< float, 7 >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::fixed_array< float, 7 >

◆ g_black

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_black {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_blue

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_blue {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_brown

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_brown { 0.6f, 0.3f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_cyan

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_cyan {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_darkgray

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_darkgray {0.25f, 0.25f,0.25f, 1.0f}

◆ g_gold

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_gold { 1.0f, 0.84f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_gray

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_gray {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f}

◆ g_green

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_green {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_lightgray

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_lightgray {0.75f, 0.75f,0.75f, 1.0f}

◆ g_lime

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_lime { 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_magenta

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_magenta {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_maroon

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_maroon { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_navy

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_navy { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }

◆ g_olive

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_olive { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_orange

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_orange { 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f }

◆ g_pink

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_pink { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }

◆ g_purple

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_purple { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f }

◆ g_red

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_red {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_silver

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_silver { 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f }

◆ g_teal

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_teal { 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }

◆ g_white

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_white {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}

◆ g_yellow

constexpr RGBAColor sofa::type::g_yellow {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}

◆ isRigidType

template<class T >
concept sofa::type::isRigidType
Initial value:
std::declval<typename T::Coord>().getOrientation();

A type T satisfies the isRigidType concept if:

  • T has a nested type named Coord.
  • An object of type T::Coord has a member function getOrientation that can be invoked without arguments.

It allows to identify types such as StdRigidTypes and CudaRigidTypes at compile-time.


constexpr NoInit sofa::type::NOINIT


constexpr qNoInit sofa::type::QNOINIT

◆ Quat< double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Quat< double >

Explicit instantiation of the quaternions for double precision.

◆ Quat< float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Quat< float >

Explicit instantiation of the quaternions for single precision.

◆ SpatialVector< double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::SpatialVector< double >

◆ SpatialVector< float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::SpatialVector< float >

◆ stringToColorMap

const std::map<std::string, RGBAColor> sofa::type::stringToColorMap
Initial value:
{"white", g_white},
{"black", g_black},
{"red", g_red},
{"green", g_green},
{"blue", g_blue},
{"cyan", g_cyan},
{"magenta", g_magenta},
{"yellow", g_yellow},
{"gray", g_gray},
{"darkgray", g_darkgray},
{"lightgray", g_lightgray},
{"orange", g_orange},
{"purple", g_purple},
{"pink", g_pink},
{"brown", g_brown},
{"lime", g_lime},
{"teal", g_teal},
{"navy", g_navy},
{"olive", g_olive},
{"maroon", g_maroon},
{"silver", g_silver},
{"gold", g_gold}
constexpr RGBAColor g_gold
Definition: RGBAColor.h:287
constexpr RGBAColor g_lime
Definition: RGBAColor.h:281
constexpr RGBAColor g_navy
Definition: RGBAColor.h:283
constexpr RGBAColor g_maroon
Definition: RGBAColor.h:285
constexpr RGBAColor g_teal
Definition: RGBAColor.h:282
constexpr RGBAColor g_orange
Definition: RGBAColor.h:277
constexpr RGBAColor g_lightgray
Definition: RGBAColor.h:276
constexpr RGBAColor g_cyan
Definition: RGBAColor.h:271
constexpr RGBAColor g_green
Definition: RGBAColor.h:269
constexpr RGBAColor g_gray
Definition: RGBAColor.h:274
constexpr RGBAColor g_yellow
Definition: RGBAColor.h:273
constexpr RGBAColor g_brown
Definition: RGBAColor.h:280
constexpr RGBAColor g_silver
Definition: RGBAColor.h:286
constexpr RGBAColor g_white
Definition: RGBAColor.h:266
constexpr RGBAColor g_black
Definition: RGBAColor.h:267
constexpr RGBAColor g_red
Definition: RGBAColor.h:268
constexpr RGBAColor g_magenta
Definition: RGBAColor.h:272
constexpr RGBAColor g_darkgray
Definition: RGBAColor.h:275
constexpr RGBAColor g_blue
Definition: RGBAColor.h:270
constexpr RGBAColor g_purple
Definition: RGBAColor.h:278
constexpr RGBAColor g_olive
Definition: RGBAColor.h:284
constexpr RGBAColor g_pink
Definition: RGBAColor.h:279

◆ Transform< double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Transform< double >

◆ Transform< float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Transform< float >

◆ Vec< 2, double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 2, double >

◆ Vec< 2, float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 2, float >

◆ Vec< 2, int >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 2, int >

◆ Vec< 2, unsigned >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 2, unsigned >

◆ Vec< 3, double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 3, double >

◆ Vec< 3, float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 3, float >

◆ Vec< 3, int >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 3, int >

◆ Vec< 3, unsigned >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 3, unsigned >

◆ Vec< 4, double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 4, double >

◆ Vec< 4, float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 4, float >

◆ Vec< 4, int >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 4, int >

◆ Vec< 4, unsigned >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 4, unsigned >

◆ Vec< 6, double >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 6, double >

◆ Vec< 6, float >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 6, float >

◆ Vec< 6, int >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 6, int >

◆ Vec< 6, unsigned >

template class SOFA_TYPE_API sofa::type::Vec< 6, unsigned >