SOFA API  298e1467
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes > Class Template Reference

#include <PolynomialSpringsForceField.h>

This class describes a polynomial elastic springs ForceField. More...

Inheritance diagram for sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >:

Detailed Description

template<class DataTypes>
class sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >

This class describes a polynomial elastic springs ForceField.

Public Attributes

Data< VecIndexd_firstObjectPoints
 points related to the first object More...
Data< VecIndexd_secondObjectPoints
 points related to the second object More...
Data< VecReald_polynomialStiffness
Data< type::vector< unsigned int > > d_polynomialDegree
 Describe set of polynomial degrees fro every spring. More...
Data< int > d_computeZeroLength
 flag to compute initial length for springs More...
Data< VecReald_zeroLength
 initial length for springs More...
Data< boold_recomputeIndices
 Recompute indices (should be false for BBOX) More...
Data< boold_compressible
 Indicates if object compresses without any reaction force. More...
Data< int > d_drawMode
 The way springs will be drawn: - 0: Line - 1:Cylinder - 2: Arrow. More...
Data< floatd_showArrowSize
 size of the axis More...
Data< sofa::type::RGBAColord_springColor
 spring color More...
Data< floatd_showIndicesScale
 Scale for indices display (default=0.02) More...
- Public Attributes inherited from sofa::core::behavior::BaseForceField
Data< SReal > rayleighStiffness
 Rayleigh Damping stiffness matrix coefficient. More...
objectmodel::lifecycle::DeprecatedData isCompliance
 Considered as compliance, else considered as stiffness (default to false) More...
- Public Attributes inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject
Data< boolf_listening
 if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore the events More...
- Public Attributes inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::Base
std::vector< lifecycle::DeprecatedData * > m_oldAttributes
Data< int > d_messageLogCount
Data< std::string > name
 Name of the object. More...
Data< boolf_printLog
 if true, emits extra messages at runtime. More...
Data< sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSetf_tags
 list of the subsets the objet belongs to More...
Data< sofa::type::BoundingBoxf_bbox
 this object bounding box More...
Data< sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentStated_componentState
 The state of the component among (Dirty, Valid, Undefined, Loading, Invalid). More...
std::string m_definitionSourceFileName {""}
int m_definitionSourceFilePos {-1}
std::string m_instanciationSourceFileName {""}
int m_instanciationSourceFilePos {-1}

Protected Attributes

VecIndex m_firstObjectIndices
VecIndex m_secondObjectIndices
type::vector< JacobianMatrixm_differential
VecReal m_springLength
VecReal m_strainValue
VecCoord m_weightedCoordinateDifference
type::vector< type::vector< unsigned int > > m_polynomialsMap
VecReal m_initialSpringLength
VecReal m_strainSign
std::vector< int > m_computeSpringsZeroLength
const unsigned int m_dimension
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::behavior::StateAccessor
MultiLink< StateAccessor, BaseMechanicalState, BaseLink::FLAG_DUPLICATEl_mechanicalStates
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject
SingleLink< BaseObject, BaseContext, BaseLink::FLAG_DOUBLELINKl_context
LinkSlaves l_slaves
SingleLink< BaseObject, BaseObject, BaseLink::FLAG_DOUBLELINKl_master
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::Base
std::map< std::string, sofa::core::DataTrackerCallbackm_internalEngine
VecData m_vecData
 List of fields (Data instances) More...
MapData m_aliasData
 name -> Data multi-map (includes names and aliases) More...
VecLink m_vecLink
 List of links. More...
MapLink m_aliasLink
 name -> Link multi-map (includes names and aliases) More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairStateAccessor< DataTypes1, DataTypes2 >
SingleLink< PairStateAccessor< DataTypes1, DataTypes2 >, MechanicalState< DataTypes1 >, BaseLink::FLAG_STOREPATH|BaseLink::FLAG_STRONGLINKmstate1
SingleLink< PairStateAccessor< DataTypes1, DataTypes2 >, MechanicalState< DataTypes2 >, BaseLink::FLAG_STOREPATH|BaseLink::FLAG_STRONGLINKmstate2

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr double MATH_PI = 3.14159265

Public Member Functions

 SOFA_CLASS (SOFA_TEMPLATE(PolynomialSpringsForceField, DataTypes), SOFA_TEMPLATE(core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField, DataTypes))
void bwdInit () override
 Initialization method called at graph creation and modification, during bottom-up traversal. More...
void addForce (const core::MechanicalParams *mparams, DataVecDeriv &data_f1, DataVecDeriv &data_f2, const DataVecCoord &data_p1, const DataVecCoord &data_p2, const DataVecDeriv &data_v1, const DataVecDeriv &data_v2) override
 Add the forces. More...
void addDForce (const core::MechanicalParams *mparams, DataVecDeriv &data_df1, DataVecDeriv &data_df2, const DataVecDeriv &data_dx1, const DataVecDeriv &data_dx2) override
virtual void addKToMatrix (const core::MechanicalParams *mparams, const core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor *matrix) override
 Brings ForceField contribution to the global system stiffness matrix. More...
void buildStiffnessMatrix (core::behavior::StiffnessMatrix *matrix) override
void buildDampingMatrix (core::behavior::DampingMatrix *) final
virtual void draw (const core::visual::VisualParams *vparams) override
 Render internal data of this object, for debugging purposes. More...
virtual SReal getPotentialEnergy (const core::MechanicalParams *, const DataVecCoord &, const DataVecCoord &) const override
void addMBKToMatrix (const core::MechanicalParams *mparams, const sofa::core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor *matrix) override
 Compute the system matrix corresponding to $ m M + b B + k K $. More...
const VecIndexgetFirstObjectIndices () const
const VecIndexgetSecondObjectIndices () const
core::behavior::MechanicalState< DataTypes > * getObject1 ()
core::behavior::MechanicalState< DataTypes > * getObject2 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField< DataTypes >
 SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS2 (SOFA_TEMPLATE(PairInteractionForceField, DataTypes), BaseInteractionForceField, SOFA_TEMPLATE2(PairStateAccessor, DataTypes, DataTypes))
void setPathObject1 (const std::string &path)
 Set the Object1 path. More...
void setPathObject2 (const std::string &path)
 Set the Object2 path. More...
std::string getPathObject1 () const
 Retrieve the Object1 path. More...
std::string getPathObject2 () const
 Retrieve the Object2 path. More...
void addForce (const MechanicalParams *mparams, MultiVecDerivId fId) override
void addDForce (const MechanicalParams *mparams, MultiVecDerivId dfId) override
SReal getPotentialEnergy (const MechanicalParams *mparams) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::BaseInteractionForceField
 SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS (BaseInteractionForceField, BaseForceField)
virtual BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel1 ()
virtual BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel2 ()
void addKToMatrix (const MechanicalParams *, const sofa::core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor *) override
 Compute the system matrix corresponding to $ k K $. More...
virtual void initGnuplot (const std::string path)
 initialization to export potential energy to gnuplot files format More...
virtual void exportGnuplot (SReal time)
 export kinetic and potential energy state at "time" to a gnuplot file More...
bool insertInNode (objectmodel::BaseNode *node) override
bool removeInNode (objectmodel::BaseNode *node) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::BaseForceField
 SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS (BaseForceField, StateAccessor)
virtual void addMBKdx (const MechanicalParams *mparams, MultiVecDerivId dfId)
 Accumulate the contribution of M, B, and/or K matrices multiplied by the dx vector with the given coefficients. More...
virtual void addBToMatrix (const MechanicalParams *mparams, const sofa::core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor *matrix)
 Compute the system matrix corresponding to $ b B $. More...
virtual const sofa::linearalgebra::BaseMatrixgetComplianceMatrix (const MechanicalParams *)
virtual void addClambda (const MechanicalParams *, MultiVecDerivId, MultiVecDerivId, SReal)
 Accumulate the contribution of the C compliant matrix multiplied by the given Lagrange multipliers lambda vector with the given cFactor coefficient. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::StateAccessor
 SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS (StateAccessor, objectmodel::BaseObject)
virtual const MultiLink< StateAccessor, BaseMechanicalState, BaseLink::FLAG_DUPLICATE >::Container & getMechanicalStates () const
 Return a list of mechanical states to which this component is associated. More...
void computeBBox (const core::ExecParams *params, bool onlyVisible=false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject
 SOFA_CLASS (BaseObject, Base)
void setSrc (const std::string &v, std::vector< std::string > *attributeList=nullptr)
 Sets a source Object and parses it to collect dependent Data. More...
void setSrc (const std::string &v, const BaseObject *loader, std::vector< std::string > *attributeList=nullptr)
BasefindLinkDestClass (const BaseClass *destType, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link) override
virtual std::string getPathName () const override
 Return the full path name of this object. More...
SReal getTime () const
 Current time. More...
const BaseContextgetContext () const
BaseContextgetContext ()
const BaseObjectgetMaster () const
BaseObjectgetMaster ()
const VecSlavesgetSlaves () const
BaseObjectgetSlave (const std::string &name) const
virtual void addSlave (BaseObject::SPtr s)
virtual void removeSlave (BaseObject::SPtr s)
virtual void handleEvent (Event *)
 Handle an event. More...
virtual void handleTopologyChange ()
virtual void handleTopologyChange (core::topology::Topology *t)
void parse (BaseObjectDescription *arg) override
 Parse the given description to assign values to this object's fields and potentially other parameters. More...
virtual void reinit ()
 Update method called when variables used in precomputation are modified. More...
void updateInternal ()
 Update method called when variables (used to compute other internal variables) are modified. More...
virtual void storeResetState ()
 Save the initial state for later uses in reset() More...
virtual void reset ()
 Reset to initial state. More...
virtual void cleanup ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::Base
virtual const BaseClassgetClass () const
void addDeprecatedAttribute (lifecycle::DeprecatedData *attribute)
void addUpdateCallback (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > inputs, std::function< sofa::core::objectmodel::ComponentState(const DataTracker &)> function, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > outputs)
void addOutputsToCallback (const std::string &name, std::initializer_list< BaseData * > outputs)
const std::string & getName () const
 Accessor to the object name. More...
void setName (const std::string &n)
 Set the name of this object. More...
void setName (const std::string &n, int counter)
 Set the name of this object, adding an integer counter. More...
std::string getTypeName () const
 Get the type name of this object (i.e. class and template types) More...
virtual std::string getClassName () const
 Get the class name of this object. More...
virtual std::string getTemplateName () const final
 Get the template type names (if any) used to instantiate this object. More...
std::string getNameSpaceName () const
 Get the template type names (if any) used to instantiate this object. More...
void setDefinitionSourceFileName (const std::string &sourceFileName)
 Set the source filename (where the component is implemented) More...
const std::string & getDefinitionSourceFileName () const
 Get the source filename (where the component is implemented) More...
void setDefinitionSourceFilePos (const int)
 Set the source location (where the component is implemented) More...
int getDefinitionSourceFilePos () const
 Get the source location (where the component is implemented) More...
void setInstanciationSourceFileName (const std::string &sourceFileName)
const std::string & getInstanciationSourceFileName () const
void setInstanciationSourceFilePos (const int)
int getInstanciationSourceFilePos () const
void addMessage (const sofa::helper::logging::Message &m) const
size_t countLoggedMessages (sofa::helper::logging::Message::TypeSet t=sofa::helper::logging::Message::AnyTypes) const
const std::deque< sofa::helper::logging::Message > & getLoggedMessages () const
const std::string getLoggedMessagesAsString (sofa::helper::logging::Message::TypeSet t=sofa::helper::logging::Message::AnyTypes) const
void clearLoggedMessages () const
bool notMuted () const
const sofa::core::objectmodel::TagSetgetTags () const
 Represents the subsets the object belongs to. More...
bool hasTag (Tag t) const
 Return true if the object belong to the given subset. More...
void addTag (Tag t)
 Add a subset qualification to the object. More...
void removeTag (Tag t)
 Remove a subset qualification to the object. More...
ComponentState getComponentState () const
bool isComponentStateValid () const
virtual bool parseField (const std::string &attribute, const std::string &value)
 Assign one field value (Data or Link) More...
virtual bool hasField (const std::string &attribute) const
 Check if a given Data field or Link exists. More...
void parseFields (const std::list< std::string > &str)
 Assign the field values stored in the given list of name + value pairs of strings. More...
virtual void parseFields (const std::map< std::string, std::string * > &str)
 Assign the field values stored in the given map of name -> value pairs. More...
void writeDatas (std::map< std::string, std::string * > &str)
 Write the current field values to the given map of name -> value pairs. More...
void writeDatas (std::ostream &out, const std::string &separator=" ")
BaseDatafindData (const std::string &name) const
std::vector< BaseData * > findGlobalField (const std::string &name) const
 Find data fields given a name: several can be found as we look into the alias map. More...
BaseLinkfindLink (const std::string &name) const
std::vector< BaseLink * > findLinks (const std::string &name) const
 Find link fields given a name: several can be found as we look into the alias map. More...
virtual void updateLinks (bool logErrors=true)
 Update pointers in case the pointed-to objects have appeared. More...
template<class T >
BaseData::BaseInitData initData (::sofa::core::objectmodel::Data< T > *field, const char *name, const char *help, ::sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseData::DataFlags dataflags)
 Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
template<class T >
BaseData::BaseInitData initData (Data< T > *field, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false)
 Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
template<class T >
Data< T >::InitData initData (Data< T > *field, const T &value, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false)
 Helper method used to initialize a data field containing a value of type T. More...
void addData (BaseData *f, const std::string &name)
void addData (BaseData *f)
void removeData (BaseData *f)
 Remove a data field. More...
void addAlias (BaseData *field, const char *alias)
 Add an alias to a Data. More...
void addLink (BaseLink *l)
 Add a link. More...
void addAlias (BaseLink *link, const char *alias)
 Add an alias to a Link. More...
const VecDatagetDataFields () const
 Accessor to the vector containing all the fields of this object. More...
const MapDatagetDataAliases () const
 Accessor to the map containing all the aliases of this object. More...
const VecLinkgetLinks () const
 Accessor to the vector containing all the fields of this object. More...
const MapLinkgetLinkAliases () const
 Accessor to the map containing all the aliases of this object. More...
virtual bool findDataLinkDest (BaseData *&ptr, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link)
template<class T >
bool findLinkDest (T *&ptr, const std::string &path, const BaseLink *link)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairStateAccessor< DataTypes1, DataTypes2 >
 SOFA_ABSTRACT_CLASS (SOFA_TEMPLATE2(PairStateAccessor, DataTypes1, DataTypes2), StateAccessor)
void init () override
 Initialization method called at graph creation and modification, during top-down traversal. More...
MechanicalState< DataTypes1 > * getMState1 ()
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #1. More...
const MechanicalState< DataTypes1 > * getMState1 () const
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #1. More...
BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel1 ()
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #1 as a BaseMechanicalState. More...
const BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel1 () const
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #1 as a BaseMechanicalState. More...
MechanicalState< DataTypes2 > * getMState2 ()
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #2. More...
const MechanicalState< DataTypes2 > * getMState2 () const
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #2. More...
BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel2 ()
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #2 as a BaseMechanicalState. More...
const BaseMechanicalStategetMechModel2 () const
 Retrieve the associated MechanicalState #2 as a BaseMechanicalState. More...

Protected Member Functions

 PolynomialSpringsForceField ()
 PolynomialSpringsForceField (MechanicalState *object1, MechanicalState *object2)
void recomputeIndices ()
void ComputeJacobian (unsigned int stiffnessIndex, unsigned int springIndex)
double PolynomialValue (unsigned int springIndex, double strainValue)
double PolynomialDerivativeValue (unsigned int springIndex, double strainValue)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField< DataTypes >
 PairInteractionForceField (MechanicalState< DataTypes > *mm1=nullptr, MechanicalState< DataTypes > *mm2=nullptr)
 ~PairInteractionForceField () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::BaseForceField
 BaseForceField ()
 ~BaseForceField () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::StateAccessor
 StateAccessor ()
 ~StateAccessor () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject
 BaseObject ()
 ~BaseObject () override
virtual void doUpdateInternal ()
 Implementation of the internal update. More...
void changeContextLink (BaseContext *before, BaseContext *&after)
void changeSlavesLink (BaseObject::SPtr ptr, std::size_t, bool add)
 This method insures that slaves objects have master and context links set correctly. More...
void trackInternalData (const BaseData &data)
 Method called to add the Data to the DataTracker (listing the Data to track) More...
void cleanTracker ()
bool hasDataChanged (const BaseData &data)
 Method called to know if a tracked Data has changed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::Base
 Base ()
virtual ~Base ()
void initData0 (BaseData *field, BaseData::BaseInitData &res, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false)
 Helper method used by initData() More...
void initData0 (BaseData *field, BaseData::BaseInitData &res, const char *name, const char *help, BaseData::DataFlags dataFlags)
 Helper method used by initData() More...
template<class T >
void initData0 (Data< T > *field, typename Data< T >::InitData &res, const T &value, const char *name, const char *help, bool isDisplayed=true, bool isReadOnly=false)
 Helper method used by initData() More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairStateAccessor< DataTypes1, DataTypes2 >
 PairStateAccessor (MechanicalState< DataTypes1 > *mm1, MechanicalState< DataTypes2 > *mm2)
 ~PairStateAccessor () override=default

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField< DataTypes >
static bool canCreate (T *obj, objectmodel::BaseContext *context, objectmodel::BaseObjectDescription *arg)
static T::SPtr create (T *, core::objectmodel::BaseContext *context, core::objectmodel::BaseObjectDescription *arg)
 Construction method called by ObjectFactory. More...
static std::string shortName (const T *ptr=nullptr, objectmodel::BaseObjectDescription *arg=nullptr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject
template<class T >
static bool canCreate (T *, BaseContext *, BaseObjectDescription *)
 Pre-construction check method called by ObjectFactory. More...
template<class T >
static T::SPtr create (T *, BaseContext *context, BaseObjectDescription *arg)
 Construction method called by ObjectFactory. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::Base
static const BaseClassGetClass ()
template<class T >
static std::string shortName (const T *ptr=nullptr, BaseObjectDescription *=nullptr)

Attribute details

◆ d_compressible

Indicates if object compresses without any reaction force.

◆ d_computeZeroLength

template<class DataTypes >
Data<int> sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::d_computeZeroLength

flag to compute initial length for springs

◆ d_drawMode

The way springs will be drawn: - 0: Line - 1:Cylinder - 2: Arrow.

◆ d_firstObjectPoints

points related to the first object

◆ d_polynomialDegree

template<class DataTypes >
Data< type::vector<unsigned int> > sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::d_polynomialDegree

Describe set of polynomial degrees fro every spring.

◆ d_polynomialStiffness

template<class DataTypes >
Data<VecReal> sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::d_polynomialStiffness

Describe set of polynomial coefficients combines in one array. The coefficients are put from smaller degree to bigger one, and the free polynomial parameter is also zero (for zero strain we have zero stress). For examples the coeffiencts for polynomials with degrees [3, 2, 4] will be put as [ a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, c1, c2, c3, c4]

◆ d_recomputeIndices

Recompute indices (should be false for BBOX)

◆ d_secondObjectPoints

points related to the second object

◆ d_showArrowSize

size of the axis

◆ d_showIndicesScale

Scale for indices display (default=0.02)

◆ d_springColor

◆ d_zeroLength

initial length for springs

◆ m_computeSpringsZeroLength

template<class DataTypes >
std::vector<int> sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_computeSpringsZeroLength

◆ m_differential

◆ m_dimension

template<class DataTypes >
const unsigned int sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_dimension

◆ m_firstObjectIndices

template<class DataTypes >
VecIndex sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_firstObjectIndices

◆ m_initialSpringLength

template<class DataTypes >
VecReal sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_initialSpringLength

◆ m_polynomialsMap

template<class DataTypes >
type::vector<type::vector<unsigned int> > sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_polynomialsMap

◆ m_secondObjectIndices

template<class DataTypes >
VecIndex sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_secondObjectIndices

◆ m_springLength

template<class DataTypes >
VecReal sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_springLength

◆ m_strainSign

template<class DataTypes >
VecReal sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_strainSign

◆ m_strainValue

template<class DataTypes >
VecReal sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_strainValue

◆ m_weightedCoordinateDifference

template<class DataTypes >
VecCoord sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::m_weightedCoordinateDifference


template<class DataTypes >
constexpr double sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::MATH_PI = 3.14159265

Constructor details

◆ PolynomialSpringsForceField() [1/2]

◆ PolynomialSpringsForceField() [2/2]

Function details

◆ addDForce()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::addDForce ( const core::MechanicalParams mparams,
DataVecDeriv df1,
DataVecDeriv df2,
const DataVecDeriv dx1,
const DataVecDeriv dx2 

Compute the force derivative given a small displacement from the position and velocity used in the previous call to addForce().

The derivative should be directly derived from the computations done by addForce. Any forces neglected in addDForce will be integrated explicitly (i.e. using its value at the beginning of the timestep).

If the ForceField can be represented as a matrix, this method computes $ df += kFactor K dx + bFactor B dx $

This method must be implemented by the component, and is usually called by the generic PairInteractionForceField::addDForce() method.

To support old components that implement the deprecated addForce method without scalar coefficients, it defaults to using a temporaty vector to compute $ K dx $ and then manually scaling all values by kFactor.

Implements sofa::core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField< DataTypes >.

◆ addForce()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::addForce ( const core::MechanicalParams mparams,
DataVecDeriv data_f1,
DataVecDeriv data_f2,
const DataVecCoord data_p1,
const DataVecCoord data_p2,
const DataVecDeriv data_v1,
const DataVecDeriv data_v2 

◆ addKToMatrix()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::addKToMatrix ( const core::MechanicalParams mparams,
const core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor matrix 

Brings ForceField contribution to the global system stiffness matrix.

Implements sofa::core::behavior::BaseForceField.

◆ addMBKToMatrix()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::addMBKToMatrix ( const core::MechanicalParams mparams,
const sofa::core::behavior::MultiMatrixAccessor matrix 

Compute the system matrix corresponding to $ m M + b B + k K $.

  • mparams->mFactor() is the coefficient for mass contributions (i.e. second-order derivatives term in the ODE)
  • sofa::core::mechanicalparams::bFactor(mparams) is the coefficient for damping contributions (i.e. first derivatives term in the ODE)
  • mparams->kFactor() is the coefficient for stiffness contributions (i.e. DOFs term in the ODE)
matrixthe matrix to add the result to

Reimplemented from sofa::core::behavior::BaseForceField.

◆ buildDampingMatrix()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::buildDampingMatrix ( core::behavior::DampingMatrix )

◆ buildStiffnessMatrix()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::buildStiffnessMatrix ( core::behavior::StiffnessMatrix matrix)

◆ bwdInit()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::bwdInit

Initialization method called at graph creation and modification, during bottom-up traversal.

Reimplemented from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject.

◆ ComputeJacobian()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::ComputeJacobian ( unsigned int  stiffnessIndex,
unsigned int  springIndex 

◆ draw()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::draw ( const core::visual::VisualParams )

Render internal data of this object, for debugging purposes.

Reimplemented from sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject.

◆ getFirstObjectIndices()

template<class DataTypes >
const VecIndex& sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::getFirstObjectIndices ( ) const

◆ getObject1()

◆ getObject2()

◆ getPotentialEnergy()

template<class DataTypes >
virtual SReal sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::getPotentialEnergy ( const core::MechanicalParams mparams,
const DataVecCoord x1,
const DataVecCoord x2 
) const

Get the potential energy associated to this ForceField.

Used to extimate the total energy of the system by some post-stabilization techniques.

This method must be implemented by the component, and is usually called by the generic ForceField::getPotentialEnergy() method.

Implements sofa::core::behavior::PairInteractionForceField< DataTypes >.

◆ getSecondObjectIndices()

template<class DataTypes >
const VecIndex& sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::getSecondObjectIndices ( ) const

◆ PolynomialDerivativeValue()

template<class DataTypes >
double sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::PolynomialDerivativeValue ( unsigned int  springIndex,
double  strainValue 

◆ PolynomialValue()

template<class DataTypes >
double sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::PolynomialValue ( unsigned int  springIndex,
double  strainValue 

◆ recomputeIndices()

template<class DataTypes >
void sofa::component::solidmechanics::spring::PolynomialSpringsForceField< DataTypes >::recomputeIndices