SOFA API  1f11bee4
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT > Class Template Reference

#include <TopologyDataHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >:

Protected Attributes

 Apply adding function on moved elements. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler
std::string m_prefix
 use to define engine name. More...
std::string m_data_name
 use to define data handled name. More...
std::set< sofa::geometry::ElementTypem_registeredElements
 Set to store the information which topology element this handler is linked. I.e in which handler list this handler is registered inside the Topology. More...
std::map< core::topology::TopologyChangeType, TopologyChangeCallbackm_callbackMap
- Protected Attributes inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::DDGNode
DDGLinkContainer inputs
DDGLinkContainer outputs

Public Member Functions

 TopologyDataHandler (t_topologicalData *_topologicalData, sofa::core::topology::BaseMeshTopology *_topology, value_type defaultValue=value_type())
 TopologyDataHandler (t_topologicalData *_topologicalData, value_type defaultValue=value_type())
void init ()
void handleTopologyChange () override
void registerTopologicalData (t_topologicalData *topologicalData)
void linkToTopologyDataArray (sofa::geometry::ElementType elementType)
 Function to link DataEngine with Data array from topology. More...
void unlinkFromTopologyDataArray (sofa::geometry::ElementType elementType)
void unlinkFromAllTopologyDataArray ()
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const EIndicesSwap *event) override
 Apply swap between indices elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const EAdded *event) override
 Apply adding elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const ERemoved *event) override
 Apply removing elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const ERenumbering *event) override
 Apply renumbering on elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const EMoved *event) override
 Apply moving elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EndingEvent *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsAdded *)
 Apply adding points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsRemoved *)
 Apply removing points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsMoved *)
 Apply moving points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesAdded *)
 Apply adding edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesRemoved *)
 Apply removing edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesAdded *)
 Apply adding triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesRemoved *)
 Apply removing triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsAdded *)
 Apply adding quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsRemoved *)
 Apply removing quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraAdded *)
 Apply adding tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraRemoved *)
 Apply removing tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraAdded *)
 Apply adding hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraRemoved *)
 Apply removing hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Point >::EMoved_Adding *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Point >::EMoved_Removing *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Edge >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Triangle >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Quad >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Tetrahedron >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Hexahedron >::EMoved *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler
void update () override
 Update this value. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChanges (const std::list< const core::topology::TopologyChange * > &_topologyChangeEvents, const Size _dataSize)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EndingEvent *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsAdded *)
 Apply adding points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsRemoved *)
 Apply removing points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::PointsMoved *)
 Apply moving points elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesAdded *)
 Apply adding edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesRemoved *)
 Apply removing edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::EdgesRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on edges elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesAdded *)
 Apply adding triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesRemoved *)
 Apply removing triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TrianglesRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on triangles elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsAdded *)
 Apply adding quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsRemoved *)
 Apply removing quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::QuadsRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on quads elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraAdded *)
 Apply adding tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraRemoved *)
 Apply removing tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::TetrahedraRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on tetrahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraIndicesSwap *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraAdded *)
 Apply adding hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraRemoved *)
 Apply removing hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraMoved_Removing *)
 Apply removing function on moved hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraMoved_Adding *)
 Apply adding function on moved hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const core::topology::HexahedraRenumbering *)
 Apply renumbering on hexahedron elements. More...
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Point >::EMoved_Adding *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Point >::EMoved_Removing *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Edge >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Triangle >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Quad >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Tetrahedron >::EMoved *)
virtual void ApplyTopologyChange (const TopologyChangeElementInfo< Topology::Hexahedron >::EMoved *)
void unregisterTopologyHandler ()
 Method to notify that this topologyHandler is not anymore registerd into a Topology Container. More...
bool isTopologyHandlerRegistered () const
 Method to get the information if this topologyHandler is registered into a Topology Container. More...
size_t getNumberOfTopologicalChanges ()
void setNamePrefix (const std::string &s)
std::string getName ()
virtual bool registerTopology (sofa::core::topology::BaseMeshTopology *_topology, bool printLog=false)
void addCallBack (core::topology::TopologyChangeType type, TopologyChangeCallback callback)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::DDGNode
 DDGNode ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~DDGNode ()
 Destructor. Automatically remove remaining links. More...
void addInput (DDGNode *n)
 Add a new input to this node. More...
void delInput (DDGNode *n)
 Remove an input from this node. More...
void addOutput (DDGNode *n)
 Add a new output to this node. More...
void delOutput (DDGNode *n)
 Remove an output from this node. More...
const DDGLinkContainergetInputs ()
 Get the list of inputs for this DDGNode. More...
const DDGLinkContainergetOutputs ()
 Get the list of outputs for this DDGNode. More...
bool isDirty () const
 Returns true if the DDGNode needs to be updated. More...
virtual void setDirtyValue ()
 Indicate the value needs to be updated. More...
virtual void setDirtyOutputs ()
 Indicate the outputs needs to be updated. This method must be called after changing the value of this node. More...
void cleanDirty ()
 Set dirty flag to false. More...
virtual void notifyEndEdit ()
 Notify links that the DGNode has been modified. More...
void updateIfDirty () const
 Utility method to call update if necessary. This method should be called before reading of writing the value of this node. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler
 TopologyHandler ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sofa::core::objectmodel::DDGNode
virtual void doAddInput (DDGNode *n)
virtual void doDelInput (DDGNode *n)
virtual void doAddOutput (DDGNode *n)
virtual void doDelOutput (DDGNode *n)
void cleanDirtyOutputsOfInputs ()
 the dirtyOutputs flags of all the inputs will be set to false More...

Attribute details

◆ m_topologyData

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
t_topologicalData* sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::m_topologyData

Apply adding function on moved elements.

Constructor details

◆ TopologyDataHandler() [1/2]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::TopologyDataHandler ( t_topologicalData _topologicalData,
sofa::core::topology::BaseMeshTopology _topology,
value_type  defaultValue = value_type() 

◆ TopologyDataHandler() [2/2]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::TopologyDataHandler ( t_topologicalData _topologicalData,
value_type  defaultValue = value_type() 

Function details

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [1/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding edges elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [2/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Edges ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between edges indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [3/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding function on moved edges elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [4/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing function on moved edges elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [5/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing edges elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [6/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on edges elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [7/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [8/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding hexahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [9/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Hexahedron ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between hexahedron indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [10/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding function on moved hexahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [11/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing function on moved hexahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [12/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing hexahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [13/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on hexahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [14/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding points elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [15/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Points ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between point indicPointes elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [16/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply moving points elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [17/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing points elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [18/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on points elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [19/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding quads elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [20/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Quads ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between quads indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [21/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding function on moved quads elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [22/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing function on moved quads elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [23/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing quads elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [24/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on quads elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [25/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding tetrahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [26/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Tetrahedron ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between tetrahedron indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [27/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding function on moved tetrahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [28/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing function on moved tetrahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [29/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing tetrahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [30/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on tetrahedron elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [31/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding triangles elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [32/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Functions on Triangles ////////////////////////////////////// Apply swap between triangles indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [33/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply adding function on moved triangles elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [34/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing function on moved triangles elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [35/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply removing triangles elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [36/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

Apply renumbering on triangles elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [37/48]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::ApplyTopologyChange ( const EAdded event)

Apply adding elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [38/48]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::ApplyTopologyChange ( const EIndicesSwap event)

Apply swap between indices elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [39/48]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::ApplyTopologyChange ( const EMoved event)

Apply moving elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [40/48]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::ApplyTopologyChange ( const ERemoved event)

Apply removing elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [41/48]

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::ApplyTopologyChange ( const ERenumbering event)

Apply renumbering on elements.

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [42/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [43/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [44/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [45/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [46/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [47/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ ApplyTopologyChange() [48/48]

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
virtual void sofa::core::topology::TopologyHandler::ApplyTopologyChange

◆ handleTopologyChange()

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::handleTopologyChange

◆ init()

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::init ( void  )

◆ linkToTopologyDataArray()

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::linkToTopologyDataArray ( sofa::geometry::ElementType  elementType)

Function to link DataEngine with Data array from topology.

◆ registerTopologicalData()

template<class ElementType , class VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::registerTopologicalData ( t_topologicalData topologicalData)

◆ unlinkFromAllTopologyDataArray()

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::unlinkFromAllTopologyDataArray

◆ unlinkFromTopologyDataArray()

template<typename ElementType , typename VecT >
void sofa::core::topology::TopologyDataHandler< ElementType, VecT >::unlinkFromTopologyDataArray ( sofa::geometry::ElementType  elementType)