SOFA API  8ac0ab06
Open source framework for multi-physics simuation
sofa::core::behavior Namespace Reference

For BaseMatrix. More...


class  MechanicalState
 Component storing all state vectors of a simulated body (position, velocity, etc), using the datatype specified in the templace. More...
class  BaseAnimationLoop
 Component responsible for main animation algorithms, managing how and when mechanical computation happens in one animation step. More...
class  BaseConstraint
 Component computing constraints within a simulated body. More...
class  BaseConstraintCorrection
 Component computing constraint forces within a simulated body using the compliance method. More...
class  BaseConstraintSet
class  BaseController
 BaseController Class. Interface of user interaction on SOFA Components. Empty class to provide an interface for the Factory. More...
class  BaseForceField
 Component computing forces within simulated bodies. More...
class  BaseInteractionConstraint
 BaseInteractionConstraint is a constraint linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together. More...
class  BaseInteractionForceField
 BaseInteractionForceField is a force field linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together. More...
class  BaseInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet
 BaseInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet is a constraint linking several bodies (MechanicalState) together. More...
class  BaseLinearSolver
 Abstract base class (as type identifier) for linear system solvers without any API. More...
class  StiffnessMatrixAccumulator
class  ListStiffnessMatrixAccumulator
class  DampingMatrixAccumulator
class  ListDampingMatrixAccumulator
class  StiffnessMatrix
class  DampingMatrix
class  MassMatrixAccumulator
class  ListMassMatrixAccumulator
class  MassMatrix
class  BaseMass
 Component responsible for mass-related computations (gravity, acceleration). More...
class  BaseMatrixLinearSystem
class  BaseMechanicalState
 Component storing all state vectors of a simulated body (position, velocity, etc). More...
class  BaseOrderingMethod
 Abstract base class for ordering methods in sparse linear solvers. More...
struct  ZeroDirichletCondition
class  BaseProjectiveConstraintSet
 Component computing projective constraints within a simulated body. More...
class  BaseRotationFinder
class  BaseVectorOperations
struct  BlockType
class  BlocMatrixWriter
class  Constraint
 Component computing constraints within a simulated body. More...
class  ConstraintCorrection
class  ConstraintResolution
 Object computing a constraint resolution within a Gauss-Seidel algorithm. More...
class  ConstraintSolver
 Component responsible for the expression and solution of system of equations related to constraints. The main method is solveConstraint(const ConstraintParams *, MultiVecId , MultiVecId ); The default implementation successively calls: prepareStates, buildSystem, solveSystem, applyCorrection. The parameters are defined in class ConstraintParams. More...
class  CRSMultiMatrixAccessor
class  DefaultMultiMatrixAccessor
class  ForceField
 Component computing forces within a simulated body. More...
class  LinearSolver
 Abstract interface for linear system solvers. More...
class  LinearSolverAccessor
class  Mass
 Component responsible for mass-related computations (gravity, acceleration). More...
class  MatrixAccessorCompat
class  AddToMatrixCompatMatrix
class  ApplyConstraintCompat
class  MechanicalMatrix
class  MixedInteractionConstraint
 Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body. More...
class  MixedInteractionForceField
 Component computing forces between a pair of simulated body. More...
class  MultiMatrix
class  MultiMatrixAccessor
class  TMultiVec
class  OdeSolver
 Component responsible for timestep integration, i.e. advancing the state from time t to t+dt. More...
class  PairInteractionConstraint
 Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body. More...
class  PairInteractionForceField
 Component computing forces between a pair of simulated body. More...
class  PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet
 Component computing constraints between a pair of simulated body. More...
class  PairStateAccessor
class  ProjectiveConstraintSet
 Component computing constraints within a simulated body. More...
class  RotationFinder
class  SingleMatrixAccessor
class  SingleStateAccessor
class  StateAccessor


typedef TMultiVec< V_COORDMultiVecCoord
typedef TMultiVec< V_DERIVMultiVecDeriv
typedef TMultiVec< V_MATDERIVMultiVecMatrixDeriv


enum class  BlocData { SCALAR , MAT33 }
enum class  BlocPrecision { FLOAT , DOUBLE }


template<class T >
BlocPrecision getBlockPrecision ()
template<class TReal >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< TReal >, BlockTypegetScalarBlocType ()
template<class TReal >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< TReal >, BlockTypegetMat33BlocType ()
template<int blocRsize, int blocCsize, class elementType >
linearalgebra::BaseMatrixcreateBlocSparseMatrixT (int nbRowBloc, int nbColBloc, bool _debug)
template<int blocRsize, int blocCsize>
linearalgebra::BaseMatrixcreateBlocSparseMatrixTReal (int elementSize, int nbRowBloc, int nbColBloc, bool _debug)
template<int blocRsize>
linearalgebra::BaseMatrixcreateBlocSparseMatrixTRow (int blocCsize, int elementSize, int nbRowBloc, int nbColBloc, bool _debug)
linearalgebra::BaseMatrixcreateBlocSparseMatrix (int blocRsize, int blocCsize, int elementSize, int nbRowBloc, int nbColBloc, bool _debug=false)
template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize, class JelementType , class MelementType >
bool opAddMulJTM_TBloc (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, bool _debug)
template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize, class JelementType >
bool opAddMulJTM_T4 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize>
bool opAddMulJTM_T3 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize>
bool opAddMulJTM_T2 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _MblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int JblocRsize>
bool opAddMulJTM_T1 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _JblocCsize, int _MblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
bool opAddMulJTM (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _JblocRsize, int _JblocCsize, int _MblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug=false)
template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize, class JelementType , class MelementType >
bool opAddMulMJ_TBloc (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, bool _debug)
template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize, class JelementType >
bool opAddMulMJ_T4 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize>
bool opAddMulMJ_T3 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize>
bool opAddMulMJ_T2 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _JblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
template<int MblocRsize>
bool opAddMulMJ_T1 (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _MblocCsize, int _JblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug)
bool opAddMulMJ (linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *out, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *stiffMatrix2, linearalgebra::BaseMatrix *J, int offsetRow, int offsetCol, int _MblocRsize, int _MblocCsize, int _JblocCsize, int JelementSize, int MelementSize, bool _debug=false)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MechanicalMatrix &m)


template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Constraint< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ConstraintCorrection< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ConstraintCorrection< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ConstraintCorrection< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ConstraintCorrection< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ForceField< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API Mass< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MechanicalState< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types, Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types, Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec1Types, Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types, Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types, Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types, Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types, Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types, Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types, Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec3Types, Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec2Types, Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types, Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec3Types, Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Vec2Types, Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types, Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionConstraint< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec6Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec2Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec1Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid3Types >
template class SOFA_CORE_API ProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid2Types >

Detailed Description

For BaseMatrix.

This line registers the DefaultMultiMatrixAccessor to the messaging system allowing to use msg_info() instead of msg_info("DefaultMultiMatrixAccessor")

Typedef Documentation

◆ MultiVecCoord

◆ MultiVecDeriv

◆ MultiVecMatrixDeriv

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BlocData


◆ BlocPrecision


Function Documentation

◆ createBlocSparseMatrix()

linearalgebra::BaseMatrix* sofa::core::behavior::createBlocSparseMatrix ( int  blocRsize,
int  blocCsize,
int  elementSize,
int  nbRowBloc,
int  nbColBloc,
bool  _debug = false 

◆ createBlocSparseMatrixT()

template<int blocRsize, int blocCsize, class elementType >
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix* sofa::core::behavior::createBlocSparseMatrixT ( int  nbRowBloc,
int  nbColBloc,
bool  _debug 

◆ createBlocSparseMatrixTReal()

template<int blocRsize, int blocCsize>
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix* sofa::core::behavior::createBlocSparseMatrixTReal ( int  elementSize,
int  nbRowBloc,
int  nbColBloc,
bool  _debug 

◆ createBlocSparseMatrixTRow()

template<int blocRsize>
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix* sofa::core::behavior::createBlocSparseMatrixTRow ( int  blocCsize,
int  elementSize,
int  nbRowBloc,
int  nbColBloc,
bool  _debug 

◆ getBlockPrecision()

template<class T >
BlocPrecision sofa::core::behavior::getBlockPrecision ( )

◆ getMat33BlocType()

template<class TReal >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<TReal>, BlockType> sofa::core::behavior::getMat33BlocType ( )

◆ getScalarBlocType()

template<class TReal >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<TReal>, BlockType> sofa::core::behavior::getScalarBlocType ( )

◆ opAddMulJTM()

bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _JblocRsize,
int  _JblocCsize,
int  _MblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug = false 

◆ opAddMulJTM_T1()

template<int JblocRsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM_T1 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _JblocCsize,
int  _MblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulJTM_T2()

template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM_T2 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _MblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulJTM_T3()

template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM_T3 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulJTM_T4()

template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize, class JelementType >
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM_T4 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulJTM_TBloc()

template<int JblocRsize, int JblocCsize, int MblocCsize, class JelementType , class MelementType >
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulJTM_TBloc ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulMJ()

bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _MblocRsize,
int  _MblocCsize,
int  _JblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug = false 

◆ opAddMulMJ_T1()

template<int MblocRsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ_T1 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _MblocCsize,
int  _JblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulMJ_T2()

template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ_T2 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  _JblocCsize,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulMJ_T3()

template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize>
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ_T3 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  JelementSize,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulMJ_T4()

template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize, class JelementType >
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ_T4 ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
int  MelementSize,
bool  _debug 

◆ opAddMulMJ_TBloc()

template<int MblocRsize, int MblocCsize, int JblocCsize, class JelementType , class MelementType >
bool sofa::core::behavior::opAddMulMJ_TBloc ( linearalgebra::BaseMatrix out,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix stiffMatrix2,
linearalgebra::BaseMatrix J,
int  offsetRow,
int  offsetCol,
bool  _debug 

◆ operator<<()

SOFA_CORE_API std::ostream & sofa::core::behavior::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MechanicalMatrix m 

Variable Documentation

◆ Constraint< Rigid2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Rigid2Types >

◆ Constraint< Rigid3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Rigid3Types >

◆ Constraint< Vec1Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Vec1Types >

◆ Constraint< Vec2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Vec2Types >

◆ Constraint< Vec3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Vec3Types >

◆ Constraint< Vec6Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Constraint< Vec6Types >

◆ ConstraintCorrection< Rigid3Types >

◆ ConstraintCorrection< Vec1Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ConstraintCorrection< Vec1Types >

◆ ConstraintCorrection< Vec2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ConstraintCorrection< Vec2Types >

◆ ConstraintCorrection< Vec3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ConstraintCorrection< Vec3Types >

◆ ForceField< Rigid2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Rigid2Types >

◆ ForceField< Rigid3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Rigid3Types >

◆ ForceField< Vec1Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Vec1Types >

◆ ForceField< Vec2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Vec2Types >

◆ ForceField< Vec3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Vec3Types >

◆ ForceField< Vec6Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::ForceField< Vec6Types >

◆ Mass< Rigid2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Rigid2Types >

◆ Mass< Rigid3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Rigid3Types >

◆ Mass< Vec1Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Vec1Types >

◆ Mass< Vec2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Vec2Types >

◆ Mass< Vec3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Vec3Types >

◆ Mass< Vec6Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::Mass< Vec6Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Rigid2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Rigid2Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Rigid3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Rigid3Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Vec1Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Vec1Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Vec2Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Vec2Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Vec3Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Vec3Types >

◆ MechanicalState< Vec6Types >

template class SOFA_CORE_API sofa::core::behavior::MechanicalState< Vec6Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types, Rigid2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types, Vec2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types, Rigid3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types, Vec3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec1Types, Vec1Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types, Rigid2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types, Vec2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types, Rigid3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types, Vec3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types, Rigid2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types, Vec2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Rigid3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Vec1Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types, Vec3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Rigid3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Vec1Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec1Types, Vec3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec2Types, Rigid2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec2Types, Vec2Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec3Types, Rigid3Types >

◆ MixedInteractionForceField< Vec3Types, Vec3Types >

◆ PairInteractionConstraint< Rigid2Types >

◆ PairInteractionConstraint< Rigid3Types >

◆ PairInteractionConstraint< Vec1Types >

◆ PairInteractionConstraint< Vec2Types >

◆ PairInteractionConstraint< Vec3Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Rigid2Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Rigid3Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Vec1Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Vec2Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Vec3Types >

◆ PairInteractionForceField< Vec6Types >

◆ PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid2Types >

◆ PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid3Types >

◆ PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec1Types >

◆ PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec2Types >

◆ PairInteractionProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec3Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid2Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Rigid3Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec1Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec2Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec3Types >

◆ ProjectiveConstraintSet< Vec6Types >