A researcher of the community, Michel Audette from Old Dominion University, invites the SOFA community to submit papers to the special track M&S in Medicine (MSM). The conference is held from July 18th to 21st, 2022 in San Diego (USA).

Conference information

Medical and healthcare simulation span a variety of areas where medicine converges with Modeling and Simulation (M&S). Computer-based medical simulation emphasizes the application of computers to synthesizing the response of tissues to therapy, which represents a trade-off between fidelity to real tissue response and computational efficiency. High-fidelity medical/surgical simulation is typically used to provide experienced clinicians, including surgeons, with insight on how to optimize treatment of the patient, while high-efficiency simulation emphasizes real-time interactivity for haptics, typically used in conjunction with Virtual Reality (VR) visualization for skill acquisition and training. In both cases, a computer visualization of the anatomy is needed, however in the interactive case based on VR, this visualization must be also responsive in real-time, which presupposes highly efficient therapy models (e.g., cutting models) as well as relatively sparse anatomical models and collision models, where the latter determines where the therapy takes place, in conjunction with the pose of the haptic device. A related research area is the segmentation of medical images that map intensities to tissues and discretization (meshing) that converts tissues to elements. Another intensively researched area is the application of digital deep learning (deep neural networks- DNNs) to the synthesis of a neural computation within a medical context, such as to approximate a diagnosis or a tissue response to therapy, while exploiting the ability of the solution to learn.

Healthcare simulation is used to denote two areas that complement the above-described medical simulation. One the one hand, it is used to designate mannequin-based training systems and part-trainers, whose physical implementation is intended to develop proprioceptive understanding of therapies. On the other, this term also represents medical processes at a large scale, such as emergency rooms, and hospitals, to formulate an understanding of bottlenecks in patient treatment and improve efficiencies.
This track is particularly open to contributions in the following areas, though not exclusively:

  • imulation for healthcare systems
  • Simulation of medical processes
  • Simulation for care learning
  • Simulation for elderly
  • Sensing-based patient simulation
  • Haptics-driven interactive simulation
  • Predictive simulation
  • Simulation training methods
  • Age-based healthcare simulation
  • Patient surgery simulation
  • Therapy simulation
  • Simulation patient safety
  • Simulation of emergency situations
  • Calibration of healthcare simulation tools
  • Integrating simulation tools
  • Interactive simulation tools
  • Deep neural networks for computer-assisted medicine

Important Datelines

Paper Submission: February 18, 2022
Tutorial Proposal Submission: February 18, 2022
Author Notification: April 18, 2022
Camera-Ready Paper Submission: May 2, 2022

Please select Track Preference as MSM