Our contributors


SOFA, as you can download it today, is the result of the joint work of an international community.

Active contributors

The following users and developers shaped SOFA over the two previous releases. They contributed code in the core, plugins, documentation updates, demo-videos and forum support!


All candidates who applied to the SOFA Awards, annually celebrated at the SOFA Week:


These advances would not have been possible
without the support of their institutions!



They testify

The SOFA physics engine is a centerpiece of our solution. Thanks to its modularity and its many advanced real-time multi-physics simulation features, we are now able to develop training simulators for complex surgical operations combining haptic feedback and virtual reality.
Erik Pernod, CEO @ InfinyTech3D
SOFA is a great simulation tool with an active and supportive global community. The software allowed us to build prototypes fast and test our ideas early on in a number of medical robotics research projects.
Tim Push, Researcher @ Fraunhofer IPA
The SOFA-framework has been the perfect, and perhaps the unique choice for developing a test environment to demonstrate our haptics technology. The uncompromized physics implementation, the support and the community have all been key to a successful project.
Fredrik Olson, CEO @ Follou

Financial contributors

SOFA Consortium Members are financially contributing to the staffing of the SOFA consortium. Through their memberships, they ensure the community animation, the quality and the maintenance of the open-source core.

Meet them

They work with SOFA

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