Technical Committees

Organized twice a year, the SOFA Technical Committee (STC) focuses on technical discussions on current and future developments in SOFA. With the Technical Members and the Strategic Partners, the technical roadmap for the next release is jointly defined. STC is open and free for all: join us and get involved in the future of our open-source project!

Next Technical Committee → STC#18

Location: Batiment Place, 170 Av. de Bretagne, 59000 Lille (France)

Free registration

Roadmap v24.12 review ⇒ Discussions
27th Nov 2024

  • Summary of the last-6-month developments
  • Present plans of developments
  • Discuss pre-defined technical topics
  • Define preliminary v25.06 roadmap with members

Community event Restaurant

Discussions ⇒ Roadmap v25.06
28-29th Nov 2024

  • Finalize the roadmap
  • Discuss further topics of interests
  • Scientific watch” sessions

Community event Beers

Read reports of previous STCs

Previous STC reports

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