Get involved


Cite, tweet and talk about SOFA

We also strongly encourage SOFA users and developers to promote their work with SOFA through all communication channels:

The Consortium is also there to help you promoting and transfering your technologies on the Marketplace.

Get your hands on the project

There are lots of ways to put your mark in the SOFA project. The whole community will be pleased to guide you through your contribution. Feel free to ask for help!

Contribute to SOFA

SOFA is an open-source project hosted on GitHub. All development discussions take place on this GitHub platform. Contributions are done through pull-requests.
Check out the Guidelines
Check out the “good first issues”

.. and to its documentation

The online SOFA Documentation is made available on a GitHub repository to allow anyone for improving it! Your contribution can significantly help new users

Join the dev meetings

The developer community relies on two main meetings:

Join and chat on Discord

A Discord server is available to chat with SOFA developers. Join the team!

Help others on Discussions

Other SOFA users are needing your help.
Pick an topic and share your experience with the community!

Report a bug

There is nothing to it! Whatever issue you are having, you are likely not the only one, so others will find your issue helpful, too!

Subscribe to the newsletter & mailing-lists

SOFA newsletter

To receive all information regarding the project: training sessions, technical committees, strategic news, major events. No worries, no spam guaranteed!

Developers mailing-list

To receive weekly dev meeting agendas and reports.

The SOFA Consortium is constantly working on making SOFA
an awesome open-source community project.
Join us, it would become even greater!
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