On June 10-12th 2024, the community will meet for the 17th SOFA Technical Committee (STC#17). At this occasion, the technical roadmap for the v24.12 release will be jointly defined with the consortium members.

The STC is a unique opportunity to meet with the SOFA developers and you are most welcome to be part of the event. We will be glad to hold this STC#17 onsite in Strasbourg. If you are far away, no worries, you’re most welcome: an online access (read-only) will be granted after the registration.

Freely register for the STC#17

The event will be organized in two parts.

  • Roadmap review (v24.06)
    • Summary of the last-6-month developments
    • Present plans of developments
    • Discuss pre-defined technical topics
    • Define preliminary v24.12 roadmap with members
  • Discussions and finalization of the v24.12 roadmap
    • Finalize the roadmap
    • Discuss further topics of interests
    • “Scientific watch” sessions

In the evenings, beers and networking will be strongly encouraged!
Looking forward to welcoming you in Strasbourg!