Technical Committee #7


What is the STC?

The technical committee governs and takes all technical decisions for the roadmap towards upcoming releases. Open and free, the STC is a unique occasion to meet SOFA developers, discuss the on-going developments and code all together during the coding sprint session!

Program at a glance

Day 1 – Monday 20th May (afternoon only)
Room: Kahn 1

14:00 – Opening STC#7

14:10 – Consortium activity

14:30 – SOFA activity (part 1)

  • Roadmap tasks
  • Out-of-roadmap tasks

16:00 – Coffee break

16:30 – SOFA activity (part 2)

  • Out-of-roadmap tasks
  • Roundtable

18:00 – End of Day 1

Day 2 – Tuesday 21st May
Room: Kahn 1 & 2

09:00 – v19.12 roadmap (part 1)

  • Expected technical evolutions, among the possible topics
  • Objective: determine what can be accomplished for v19.12

10:00 – Coffee break

10:30 – v19.12 roadmap (part 2)

12:30 – Lunch

14:00 – Validating roadmap

14:15 – Coding sprint

18:00 – End of Day 2

19:30 – Restaurant

Day 3 – Wednesday 22nd May
Room: Kahn 1

09:00 – Coding sprint

12:00 – Lunch

15:30 – Closing STC#7

Streaming of Day 1

For the afternoon (2-6 pm Paris time, GMT+2), a stream link is prepared for anyone to attend the discussions. Feel free to join!

Streaming of STC#7

Free registration

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Share some udpates about your recent work / plugins ?

    What do you intend to work on for the next 6 months?

    Select your favorite topics for the coding sprint?

    Work on modularizing SOFAPropage API changes in SOFACleaning codesDeprecating componentsWork on SOFA scenesImprove tutorialsImprove online documentation

    Do you join us at the restaurant evening?


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