This fall 2020, Inria just announced that additional engineering forces will be allocated to SOFA. This decision highlights the open-source strategy of the institute: Inria is willing to support its flagship software projects.

Due to its international impact, our SOFA initiative has been granted 3 new engineers, each dedicated on a key development axis:

  • Modularization of the SOFA core, for more modularity and a lighter core to integrate in your projects
  • New collision detection methods, especially useful in soft-robotics
  • Construction of an open platform coupling artificial intelligence and simulation
FrederickFrédérick Roy
Jean-NicoJean-Nicolas Brunet, PhD
Robin Enjalbert

Frédérick Roy and Jean-Nicolas Brunet are hired to work on, respectively, the modularization task (within the consortium staff!) and the development of a modular library for solid mechanics. Dream team in action!

Get ready for the SOFA revolution!

Do not forget the SOFA open positions: JOB page