Soft-robotics is an recent and growing field of research. It consists in using soft materials and deformable structures in order to build a new generation of robots. The scientific challenge resides in developing appropriate control algorithms, taking into account the mechanical properties of these deformable robots.

The Defrost team is one of the most active research teams in soft-robotics. Relying on SOFA, the team works on innovative algorithms for modeling, simulation and control of soft robots. Part of their work are released under an open-source license like the SoftRobot plugin.

At this occasion of RoboSoft 2019, the Defrost organizes in collaboration with the SOFA Consortium a tutorial on real-time simulation and control of deformable robots. This tutorial is designed to provide a step-by-step approach, on a concrete robot to learn how to use this SOFA-SoftRobot platform.

RoboSoft 2019 Tutorial