For the third time, an award program has been organized to reward the best open source contributions of 2021. All contributions were eligible for application: it could be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages.

The SOFA Award strongly motivated me to dig into the code of SOFA and contribute way more to the open-source!
Camille Krewcun, PhD (UCA)

The program included two prizes. The winners have been announced on 24th November during the 2021 SOFA Symposium:

Organizers’ Prize
Prize: 600€
Public Prize
Prize: 400€
Brunet, Jean-Nicolas
Plugin: Caribou
Somers, Peter
(University of Stuttgart)
Plugin: QSofaGLViewTools
The SofaCaribou plugin brings advanced numerical tools to SOFA. Its modern C++ design is based on compile-time polymorphism using comprehensible template metaprogramming. It also mixes high performance with high generecity: most components are completely independent from the element type (triangle, quad, tetrahedron, hexahedron, etc.). It therefore allows the developer of a component to focus on the algorithm itself and delegate to the compiler the generation of any element specific implementation. Moreover, most components are accompanied by their respective python bindings. This repository provides very easy to use pyqt widgets for viewing Sofa cameras in python3 and makes it easy for users to build their own python-based simulations and have full control over the simulation environment. Features are still being added and examples are included to show usage.

Find all award candidates on the 2021 Award page here.

Congratulations to Jean-Nicolas & Peter!