2014 is the year of modernization for SOFA with a new website and a new logo !

First, this website has been designed to ease the use of SOFA, especially for new users. The download page clearly explains the first steps to follow. The Wiki gathers all information needed to install and start using SOFA. Finally, a forum has been set up so that SOFA user can easily post their questions and access previous solved issues.

This new platform is also the opportunity to improve the communication within the SOFA community. First, the forum will become the main tool to get help from the SOFA community. The SOFA team will only be available per email for specific requests, namely the access to specific plugins, proposals of partnerships, or code sharing. Any other issue may be sent through the forum. Second, the website now provides news about SOFA and about the different events around our simulation platform. With this new design, the access to all our work and publications based on SOFA is also eased.

The last and new feature of this website is a quick access to the build information. A widget is now available on the front page giving a short view of the build status. Of course, the detailed dashboard remains available !

Well, a lot of changes ! Isn’t it ?

We hope you will like it !