Last November, the 2022 edition of the international SOFA Week took place from the 14th to the 18th November 2022. Open and free, this SOFA Week is designed to gather the entire SOFA community, to present technological and scientific advances, while fostering the networking within the community.

International Symposium

Researchers and companies from the SOFA community joined the Symposium in order to present their on-going research or products based on SOFA, to share ideas, experiences and build new collaborations! Five different sessions were organized with a total of 19 oral presentations. 230+ participants (+16% compared to 2021) from 30 different countries took part to the Symposium online event.

We are excited to see the resulting collaborations to come!

230+ registered participants and 30 international speakers at the Symposium

All presentations are available online:

All talks were recorded, watch them here:

Award ceremony

The open-source award program was organized to reward the best open source SOFA contributions. Six contributions were competing this year and the quality of these submissions must be stressed out. The winners were announced during the Symposium:

  • Prize of the Organization Committee: Paul Maria Scheikl for his pull-requests fixing memory leaks in SOFA.
  • Public’s prize: Stéphane Despierre for his plugin proposing a GPU version of a CholeksySparseSolver

Read more about the SOFA Awards on the dedicated article here.

STC#14: Technical Committee

The week ended with the SOFA Technical Committee #14. This bi-annual technical committee governs and takes all technical decisions for the roadmap towards upcoming releases.

Open and free, the STC is the occasion for all SOFA developers to meet and discuss the on-going and future developments in SOFA. It is therefore a unique opportunity to get closer from the dev community and code all together during the coding sprint session. A summary of the STC#14 is available online (see the roadmap page).

Looking forward to meeting again in 2023
with an HYBRID conference in Paris!