The award program has been organized to reward the best open source contributions of 2022. All contributions were eligible for application: it could be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages.

The SOFA Award strongly motivated me to dig into the code of SOFA and contribute way more to the open-source!
Camille Krewcun, PhD (UCA)

The program included two prizes. The winners have been announced on 16th November during the 2022 SOFA Symposium:

Organizers’ Prize
Prize: 600€
Public Prize
Prize: 400€
Scheikl, Paul Maria
(KIT, Germany)
Memento Memory
Despierre, Stéphane
(University of Lille, France)
Plugin: Linear Solver on GPU
Trying to use sofa as a simulation environment for Reinforcement Learning, I discovered a few bugs and memory leaks that would not occur for “normal” usage of SOFA. I would like to present my workflow of finding and fixing them.

Under Alexandre Bilger‘s supervision, Stéphane used the Nvidia toolkit to allow the usage of a GPU on the resolution of linear systems. This new solver keeps the optimizations already available in the previous sparse solvers (precomputed symbolic decomposition, fill-in reducing permutations).

This plugin is ready and released.

Find all award candidates on the 2022 Award page here.

Congratulations to Paul & Stéphane!