Image Manipulation

Project Description

The image plugin is a very powerful tool for loading and using images in SOFA. Based on the CImg library, the image plugin namely allows for:

  • loading and export of images and videos (2D, 2D+t, 3D, 3D+t):
    • from usual image/video formats (jpg, bmp, png, avi),
    • to medical formats (dicom, hdr, inr, nii, mhd),
  • visualization of images,
  • basic image manipulations (such as translation, rotation or merging images),
  • filtering operations (cropping, normalizing, Laplacian, Hessian, thresholding and many others).

This plugin is available in SOFA under the LGPL open-source license and can be activated in the project configuration. To get this plugin working, you need to activate the CMake variable PLUGIN_IMAGE when configuring SOFA.

See the source code

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